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The Different Types of Private Schools Did you know there are in excess of 30,000 tuition based schools in the United States? It tends to...

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Proficiency tests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Proficiency tests - Essay Example The test consists of 4 sections: reading (36-70 questions), listening (34-51 questions), speaking (6 tasks), and writing (2 tasks). TOEIC is a test designed to measure English language skills for business. There are two types of TOEIC tests: Speaking and Wring Test, Listening and Reading Test. Employers from all over the world use TOEIC tests to evaluate the proficiency of a potential employee to communicate in English. Listening and Reading test consists of 2 sections, and students are given 2,5 hours to complete it. Speaking tests consists of 11 questions to be answered in 20 minutes. Writing test has 8 tasks to be completed in an hour. IELTS is the International English Language Testing System. The test is to measure person’s reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The test has an Academic version for those who take it for studying purposes, and a General Training version, which evaluates the person’s ability to live and work in an English-speaking environment. In general the test is designed to be taken for studying, immigration, and employment. At first a test taker has to take reading (1 hour) and writing (1 hour) tests. Then is the turn of the listening (30 min) and speaking (11-14 min)

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Role of Nursing Leadership in Hospital Quality Improvement Term Paper

The Role of Nursing Leadership in Hospital Quality Improvement - Term Paper Example QI is a persistent process that involves mutual efforts and labor at all the levels of an organization to deliver better services to health care clients. It is attained as a result of positive interactions among various departments of a hospital to devise a progressive system that constantly improves the processes and outcomes of health care. The concept of QI comprise of quality assurance and problem resolution (Moran and Johnson, 1992). The multitude of hospital quality improvement activities involves participation in external programs sponsored by accreditation and regulatory bodies, QI organizations etc. Also, several hospitals participate in internal QI activities which are derived from employee and patient feedback (Draper et al., 2008). According to Hassmiller and Needleman (2009), the integration of nursing managers into decision making bodies of hospital provides improved quality of care and hospital efficiency. The initiation and progression of Magnet accreditation programs escalates the participation of nursing leadership in hospitals. The basis of magnet appraisal provided by American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) is based on strong nursing representation in organization’s leadership structure, deployment of nursing manager that have a role in hospital’s executive leadership, a shared governance operational system in nursing and authoritative powers of nursing leadership at all functioning level of hospital. Initially the concept of magnet status was based on attracting retention and job satisfaction among nurses however, later it was revealed that it is associated with improved hospital quality and patient care. Another accreditation... This essay approves that quality is a mutual responsibility and along with nursing mangers every nurse and employee should participate in it. Some of the QI efforts recommended for nursing administration include establishment of standards and making staff liable for individual roles, inspiring nurses to champion efforts, maintenance and presentation of valuable feed back to the nursing staff for future motivation and encouragement, engaging nursing staff at all levels of QI activities from bedside to management and modification in traditional nursing education that does not prepare nursing staff for their advanced role in contemporary health care settings. In this regard, emphasis on QI skill development and effective implementation of these activities in a hospital setting are required. Nursing administration may find it difficult to manage high level of administrative burden linked with these activities. Similarly, the conversion of scientific data into useful form of experiential learning is a tiresome process which involves patient hospital stay and feedback etc; however, the involvement of nursing staff in such experiential learning is foundation for QI strategies and measures. This report makes a conclusion that nursing leadership play a focal role in QI of health care settings. The hospitals have to adapt and pursue schemes/projects that significantly contribute to achievement of quality, patient care and performance goals. In this regard, optimization of nursing administration roles is vital for smooth operation of QI activities. Challenges and barriers should be identified and effectively removed for sustainable QI of a hospital.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Developing Health and Safety for Fire Fighters

Developing Health and Safety for Fire Fighters CHAPTER 6 DISCUSSION This chapter contains the explanation and evaluation of the findings presented in the preceding section. This chapter provide us with evaluation and analysis based on the hypotheses, objectives, or research question. This chapter relates to the published works outlined and assessed in the review of literature chapter. 6.1. Demographic profile During the whole survey and during the analysis of data collection within the Mauritius Fire and Rescue services, it was observed that internal factors were dominant compared to external factors when indentifying the impact on the health and safety of fire fighters. While analysing the demographic profile section within the questionnaire, it was found that most of the respondents were between 20 and 30 years indicating a relatively young working force within this sector. 71 respondents had Higher School Certificate as highest education level and more than one year working experience. 6.2. Awareness of hazards and years of service. The results showed that all the respondents are of the hazards pertaining to their job The results collected shows that there was a weak significant association between the two variables (phi=0.353, p=0.00 6.3. Types of injury sustained during career Q 4: Which type of injury have you sustained during your career? The types of occupational injuries sustained by fire fighters are as such; Minor injuries, for example, minor cuts and bruises Major injuries, for example, major cuts, bruises, sprains, illness or injury resulting in less than 3 days lost workdays Over 3 days injuries, for example, head injuries, internal bleeding, eye injuries, spinal injuries, fractures, dislocation and any illness or injury resulting in 3 days or more lost workdays. Figure 7 above illustrates the types of injuries sustained by fire fighters at the workplace. 117 fire fighters have sustained minor injuries, 70 of them have sustained major injuries and the remaining 58 have sustained over 3 days injuries which is less compared to minor injuries. It was found that the majority of the fire fighters experience minor injuries Furthermore, figure 6 represents the degree to which fire fighters are exposed to fire. 73 fire fighters were exposed to hazards to a large extent and 128 of them were exposed to hazards to a certain extent. To a lesser extent 32 fire fighters were exposed to hazards and the remaining 12 fire fighters were not exposed to hazards at all. Objective 3: To examine the type of injuries sustained by the fire fighters and the degree of exposure to hazards in fire fighting. Fire fighters have great injury rates as a result of their occupations’ consequential demands and exposure to hazards conditions (anon, 2013). The data collected in the survey that appropriate training and attention is provided to the safety and health of the fire fighters. The perception of the fire fighters on types of injuries and degree of exposure to hazards is that they agree that appropriate training is given to them but the management system should be improved, new features should be taken into consideration. However, there is still room for improvement to reduce the other types of injuries that is major injuries and over 3 days injuries. The factor on injury risk potentially provides insight on how to target injury prevention attempts for the fire departments. 6.4. Assessing whether risk assessment carried out. A risk assessment is a process to identify potential hazards in a workplace and to analyze what could be the consequences if a hazard occurs. (HSE, anon). Every employer has the duty to effect a risk assessment within 30 days of the start of any operation (OSHA, 2005). The data collected have shown that the majority of fire fighters agreed that risk assessment is carried out in MFRS. Every employer has a legal obligation to effect a risk assessment within 30 days of the start of any operation (OSHA, 2005). The results showed that 183 respondents agreed that risk assessment was carried out on the fire ground and 62 respondents disagreed. We can therefore deduce that the views of the respondents were satisfactory as the majority of them agree that risk assessment in carried out and this confirms that the management was abiding to the law. Moreover, a one sample t-test was carried out to determine the relationship between awareness of risk assessment and fire fighters opinion whether risk assessment can eliminate or mitigate risks. The one sample test, statistics programs produce an estimate mean (1.27), with population mean ÃŽ ¼. The mean variable of the variable fir this particular sample of awareness of risk assessment is 1.27, which is statistically and significantly different from the test value 0.4. We can therefore conclude that fire fighters opinion on whether risk assessment can eliminate or mitigate risk has a significantly higher mean on awareness of risk assessment than 40%. The perception of the fire fighters in the fire departments is that they agree that risk assessment can help eliminate or mitigate risks. Yet there’s room for improvement in the MFRS. Improvement on risk management plan can be also made by making surveys on the hazards and risk that cause health problems and injuries. 6.5. Assessing management care and fire fighters ability to communicate One of the objectives of this study was to assess whether management care about the safety and health of fire fighters and fire fighters ability to communicate with management. The management has the duty to put the best of effort in providing safety, health and welfare of all the employees. However, it is a legal obligation for the management to provide as far as is reasonably practicable a safe place of work to all the employees (OSHA, 2005). A correlation test was carried out to determine whether there is a relationship between whether management care about the safety and health of fire fighters and fire fighters ability to communicate with the management a correlation test was carried out. For the correlation test the statistic program produced an estimate r (0.134). The Pearson’s r value 0.134 is positive at 1% confidence interval. Thus, the correlation test between management care and fire fighters ability to communicate with management shows that there is a weak relationship between management care about health and safety of fire fighters and fire fighters ability to communicate with management. The views of the respondents on the management was not satisfactory as the management was not abiding to the law and even the fire fighters hesitate or are in capable to communicate with the management. Therefore, we can deduce that there is a poor management system at the MFRS. 6.6. Providing suggestion for improving safety and health of fire fighters To provide suggestions for improving safety and health in the fire department is one of the objectives of this study. The minority of the fire fighters who are aware of the procedures in the fire department found that the management has the priority to give safety training to all of them concerning safety procedures, safety policy, rules and regulations and awareness on their rights to provide suggestions to improve their safety and health. Thus to improve the health and safety of fire fighters in fire departments certain standards of safety which include risk awareness by the fire fighters, fire fighters participation in risk assessment , the fire fighters should be given motivational benefits to increase safety culture and safety behaviours at the workplace and the fire fighters should be well trained and given appropriate personal protective equipment for the task they are assigned. The management should carry out investigation and find ways how to remedy a dangerous situation. Also the management should seek the perception of fire fighters about the risks and hazards. . The management can also implement health programs which will include regular check up of the fire fighters and a continuous report of the health of the fire fighters should be recorded

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Odyssey Essay -- Homer, Odyssey Essays

Q1. What are the characteristics of a hero in Homer's poems? What attributes are valued? The Homeric epics describe a race of heroic men: these men are more powerful than ordinary men, and yet, they are not quite as glorious as gods. The heroes are characterized by their strength, warfare skill, intelligence, moral character, and favor of the gods. The Homeric heroes are strong and skillful warriors. Achilles is noted for being the greatest Greek warrior. He is known as â€Å"the great runner† (109). He is fast, strong, and skilled with his spear. When Achilles confronts Hector, King Priam implores Hector to flee. He tells Hector that he â€Å"can’t face Achilles† for â€Å"he’s too much† (174). As Achilles closes in on Hector, he looks like the â€Å"God of War himself† (177). Brave Hector, the greatest of the Trojan wars, loses his nerve and flees in terror. Achilles is a brave warrior; he is not afraid of anything. He charges against the Trojan army single-handedly. He routs the Trojans, killing every Trojan in his path. When he refuses to fight due to his feud with Agamemnon, the Greeks are unable to stand without him. His very presence brings courage to the Greeks and sends fear to the Trojans. Physical strength is not the only thing that is valued. Odysseus is the hero who demonstrates the wit and intelligence can sometimes overpower brute force. Odysseus is introduced as â€Å"the man of twists and turns† (207). His cunning and crafty skills are mentioned numerous times in the poem. The best display of Odysseus’ cunningness is his plan of escape from the Cyclops’ cave. Odysseus knows that he cannot merely kill the Cyclops in his sleep; none of them are strong enough to roll back the immense stone. So, he devises a clever plan, calling himsel... ...shows himself to be the worst of the suitors, though he may be the handsomest. The other are horrified to see how Antinous treats the beggar. They know that â€Å"the gods do take on the look of strangers† (414). They know that Antinous’ â€Å"fate is sealed† (414). Antinous lacks any sense of morality and hospitality which a civilized Greek should display. The Odyssey illustrates the importance of hospitality. It shows examples of people who manifest hospitality and are blessed by it or who become instruments of blessing others. It also shows by contrast, guests who take scorn their host’s hospitality and hosts who are inhospitable to their guests. Those who manifest xenia, whether host or guest, are the civilized and moral characters. Those who violate the rules of xenia are seen as savage and ill-bred; they eventually incur judgment for failing in their religious duty.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language

The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language Abstraction One of the ways to larn the linguistic communication better is holding a good warm up activity. This paper aims to look into the effects of warm up as a category room activity in larning 2nd linguistic communication. It is traveling to hold a critical survey, and over position of some books and essays about this activity. This paper attends to supply the definition of warm up as an activity before the lesson. Then, it is traveling to detect that how could warm up impact the acquisition procedure? It is likely traveling to happen that holding a good warm up activity helps pupils to put for the new lesson. Cardinal words: Warm up activity, 2nd linguistic communication, larning procedure Introduction Warm up is one of the good methods for ESL pupils to larn the 2nd linguistic communication better. This paper introduces the construct of warm up as an activity which attracts pupil ‘s attending and helps them to concentrate on the subject. Literary reappraisal An interesting manner of get downing a lesson could be utilizing activities called warm-up activities or ice-breakers ( Robertson & A ; Acklam, 2000 ) . Teacher could get down warm up activity by utilizing some games, inquiring inquiries and holding treatments which all should be related to the subject or lesson. A warm up activity could assist a instructor to acknowledge the different types of pupil ‘s learning manner. Harmonizing to Cardenas ( 2001 ) , â€Å" Students learn best when they can turn to cognition in ways that they trust. They will larn best through making instead than reflecting † . Therefore, instructor could utilize different manners like drama, presentation, treatment, and wholly we could state by action. A warm up activity helps pupils to set aside any distractions which are in their head and focal point on subject, and it helps ESL pupils to believe in mark linguistic communication. Harmonizing to Peterson ( 2010 ) , â€Å" Get downing your lesson programs with a five minute warm up can function to concentrate your pupils on the subject, open up originative thought and aid to use the acquisition in new ways † . Purpose of the survey This paper assesses the impact of warm up on ESL pupils and purposes to analyze the effects of this activity on the acquisition procedure. It is traveling to analyze these inquiries: 1 ) what are the effects of warm up activity? , and 2 ) how could warm up impact the acquisition procedure? Which offers two hypotheses: 1 ) this activity may assist ESL pupils to believe in mark linguistic communication ( English ) and concentrate on the language,2 ) this activity may merely assist ESL pupils to set aside any distractions and possibly after awhile they will bury whatever they learned. Therefore, this paper is traveling to research the replies of these two inquiries and so it will detect which hypotheses are right. Method In progress this paper mentions two inquiries which are traveling to explicate in this subdivision. This paper by utilizing critical reappraisal about warm up provides the following replies to these inquiries ; 1 )What are the effects of warm up activity? This paper propounds five of import effects for warm up which are explained below. 1 ) Make a friendly environment. A brief warm up activity can construct a relationship between the pupils and the acquisition stuffs ( Hasan & A ; Akhand, 2013 ) .Warm up plants as an ice ledgeman ; it helps pupils to be comfy with the environment and their schoolmates. 2 ) Attract pupil ‘s attending. Walqui ( 2006 ) provinces, â€Å" by concentrating pupil ‘s attending on the chief thoughts, teacher first prepares the pupils for prosecuting them in synergistic undertakings to pattern † ( p.169 ) . A five or ten minute warm up attracts the pupil ‘s attending toward the lesson and besides being physically in the category it helps them being mentally in the schoolroom, excessively. 3 ) Activate the pupil ‘s background cognition. Rumelhart ( 1980 ) provinces, â€Å" we comprehend something merely when we can associate it to something we already know-only when we can associate the new experience to an bing cognition construction † ( as cited in Carrell, 1983, p.82 ) . Students might bury the things which they have learned from the last category or session. Hence, a warm up activity could trip their background cognition ; things they already know or learned. 4 ) Think in English and concentrate on the subject. Kay ( 1995 ) claims that warm ups are different types of activities which help the pupils begin to believe in English, reappraisal antecedently introduced stuffs and go interested in the lesson ( as cited in Velandia, 2008, p. 11 ) . A warm up activity could assist ESL pupils to get down believing in 2nd linguistic communication and bury any distractions and concentrate on the new subject or lesson. 5 ) Increase pupil ‘s engagement. Warm-up activities like gag, game, and perplex set up a positive acquisition environment and do the pupils comfy to take part in the schoolroom ( Joshi, 2006 ) . When a instructor uses warm up, because of its gratifying and interesting characteristic, pupils attends to take part or take topographic point in that activity. Students like to be involved in such an astonishing warm up activity ; it builds a sense of community inside them. Now this paper answers the 2nd inquiry which is: 2 )How could warm up impact the acquisition procedure? Learning procedure is facilitated through constructing a positive relationship with the pupils. A merriment or interesting category mostly depends on the instructors as their personality and learning method actuate the pupils to raise a positive attitude towards larning ( Krishnan & A ; Hoon, 2002 ) . Because of all those effects that warm up activity has on ESL pupils, it is obvious that warm up undertaking could impact the acquisition procedure, excessively. Following is a diagram which displays the effects of warm up undertaking briefly. Diagram: effects of warm up activity Discussion/conclusion This paper, in the intent of the survey, states two hypotheses: 1 ) this activity may assist ESL pupils to believe in mark linguistic communication ( English ) and concentrate on the language,2 ) this activity may merely assist ESL pupils to set aside any distractions and possibly after awhile they will bury whatever they learned. The first 1 is acceptable because it is right and existent, but the 2nd 1 is reject able because it could assist pupils to set away any distractions but when we use warm up activity, it is a reappraisal of what they learned. Hence, they could non bury whatever they learned. In amount up, this paper gets to the point that warm up activity is the best manner for believing in mark linguistic communication, puting for the new lesson, concentrating on the subject, and pulling the attending. Therefore, it should be short, interesting, related to the subject, and be at the pupils level or somewhat above ( i+1 ) to hold their consequence in larning the 2nd linguistic communication. Mentions Akther, A. ( 2014 ) .Role of Warm-up Activity in Language Classroom: A Tertiary Scenario. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //dspace.bracu.ac.bd/bitstream/handle/10361/3553/10303010.pdf? sequence=1 Hasan, M. K. , & A ; Akhand, M. M. ( 2013 ) .Schemes for Enhancing the Use of Textbooks in Language Classrooms at the Tertiary Level. ABAC Journal, 33 ( 2 ) , 1-14. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.abacjournal.au.edu/2013/may2013/01_StrategiesforEnhancing.pdf Pakdel Estaikhbijari, Z. & A ; Khodareza, M. ( 2012 ) .The Effects of Warm-up Tasks on the Persian EFL Students ‘ Writing Ability. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ies/article/viewFile/11691/10636 Peterson, D. ( 2010 ) .Warm-Up Exercises. [ Online ] Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // www.TeachingJobs.com ( September 17, 2010 ) Velandia, R. ( 2008 ) .The Role of Warming Up Activities in Adolescent Students’ Involvement During the English Class. Profile Journal, 10, 9-26. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.redalyc.org/pdf/1692/169214143002.pdf Walqui, A. ( 2006) . Scaffolding Instruction for English Language Learners: A Conceptual Model. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 9 ( 2 ) , 159- 180. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.educacion.gob.es/exterior/centros/losangeles/es/series/201003-Scaffolding- Walqui.pdf Joshi, M. ( 2006 ) .Diverseness in Lecture-Delivery. Journal of NELTA, 11 ( 1-2 ) , 1-151. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //nelta.org.np/uploads/files/2006.pdf Krishnan, L. A. , & A ; Hoon, L. H. ( 2002 ) .Diaries: hearing to ‘voices’ from the multicultural schoolroom. ELT Journal, 56 ( 3 ) , 227-239. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //eltj.oxfordjournals.org/content/56/3/227.full.pdf+html? sid=c6d03ada-4f81-4786- 819c-78335f7f594a Cardenas, M. L. ( 2001 ) .Reacting to Children ‘s Learning Styles. How, 8, 17-22. Robertson, C. , & A ; Acklam, R. ( 2000 ) .Action Plan for Teachers a usher to learning English. London, UK: BBC World Service. Kay, C. ( 1995 ) .Scott Foresman English series. Baltimore, Maryland: Scott Foresman. Carrell, P. L. ( 1983 ) .Some Issues in Analyzing the Role of Schemata, or Background Knowledge, in Second Language Comprehension. Reading in a foreign linguistic communication, 1 ( 2 ) , 81-92. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //nflrc.hawaii.edu/rfl/PastIssues/rfl12carrell.pdf

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bartleby the Scrivener Essay

In the course of the story the narrator describes the each characters however such is limited only to their performance in the workplace and none was revealed in their personal life. The narrator who is a lawyer in Wall Street keeps a company of three people, Turkey, Nippers, and Bartleby. Turkey, and English man who has a strange temperament that that the narrators likened to a sun rising in the morning rendering a calm atmosphere and becomes rather too hot in midday that lasts until dinner. Nippers on the other hand is the antithesis of Turkey. He is irritable in the morning and is rather calm in the afternoon. Aside from this, he also â€Å"dresses like a gentleman† as the narrator would put it in contrast to Turkey whose fashion statement is anything but appealing to the author (Melville, 1935). The narrator says he keeps Turkey and Nippers in his office because they efficient despite their mood swing. Perhaps they can be likened to the typical office clerks who got fed up with the monotony of their jobs that they have developed outburst as ways of coping. Nothing is revealed of their personal life but since they are described as efficient by the author, then there is the assumption that despite their mood swings and peculiar outbursts they are likable. On the case of Bartleby, on which the story’s title is attributed, the narrator finds him rather odd. He is a copyist same as Nippers and Turkey however he refuses to do other things such as reading a file or sending mail. As the story ends it is revealed that he works for the Dead Letter Office and as the author puts it, Bartleby is â€Å"prone to a pallid hopelessness† and his work in the Dead Letter Office only cultivated his depression (Melville, 1935). Bartleby exhibits passive resistance which is connected to his detachment from society and his roles. It can be interpreted as his refusal to be a slave to the corporate world by doing what he wishes. Overall, he poses no threat to his Boss since he can choose to dispose him whichever way he pleases but his Boss exhibits a remarkable form of charity and pity towards him. He even offers his house for Bartleby to stay at. At the end of the story when he heard rumors of Bartleby’s previous occupation he took pity on him and how his job has destroyed him.