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Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Roles that Decide our Gender Essay - 1901 Words

It is said, that our parents right or wrong conduct shape our lives and we may become good or bad. The habits that eventually becomes part of our daily lives start in our infancy which may us express ourselves within our world. This can be said of many people growing up. I am no exception for I am the person I am today though in large part because of my mother and father. Growing up and even still today, I thought of the way of my parents thinking: there was nothing either could do. It was as if my parents where magical for any problem that would come up, meaning a broken toy being fixed by my father or my mother making strawberry milk. However at this rather impressionable age I did begin to notice certain habits exhibited by my dear†¦show more content†¦This moment which seemed at least to me as if time was standing still lasted more than five minutes. My mother came to see how it looked and was surprised to find that my father had not been able to hang the clock. She was not surprised that we havent hanged it so much as how to do it in the first place to which my mother in my astonishment showed how easily it was to hang the said clock. It involved quite simply to knock on the wall to find a point that was solid and not hollow and simply hammer half the nail in and simply hang it there, nothing more. My father was delighted to hear this info and thanks my mother and moved on with his day but for me this moment though perhaps I did not know it, changed me dramatically. From this event on I began to see that while there were certainly jobs that my father did it best, it did not mean by any stretch that my mother could not do it nor did it mean she was prohibited to do them, simply that both shared responsibility and choose what to do. I quickly understood that sometimes my parents would switch up jobs as it were no big deal. Whether my father did the laundry for instance or my mother assembled a dining table which from my young stand point seem to big for a woman/my mother took care of with no problem at all. Years later I quickly saw that myShow MoreRelatedGender And Roles : A Great Deal About The Immigrant Experience991 Words   |  4 PagesGender and Roles â€Å"We may look and act modern in many ways, but we can’t escape what we are... obedient chinese daughters.† This quote sums up the world that May and Pearl live in, that no matter the culture, no matter the time period, and no matter the situation, your gender decides your fate or does it? The theme of gender and how they dictate our roles in society run rampant in Shanghai Girls by Lisa Lee. 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