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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Downfall Of Julius Caesar - 962 Words

July 12, 100 BC a great Roman general by the name of Julius Caesar was born in Rome, Italy. Caesar was â€Å"born to a family of particans but his uncle Marius was a famous general† (History.com, 2009). Eventually, Caesar rose up through the ranks and became a great general. Caesar eventually went to war with Pompey and was able to drive Pompey out making Caesar believe declare himself the dictator for life. Even though under Caesar’s control daily Roman life improved, his assassination was for the best of the Roman people because he had stated himself as the dictator for life in Rome, ruining any chance of continuing democracy, he was self-centered, Rome got a new ruler and became successful Caesar, being ambitious, was able to further his career very quickly.â€Å"In the early 60 BC, he launched his own successful political and military career. Rising rapidly, he campaigned successfully for the consulship in 60 B.C. and struck a deal with two of Rome’s leadin g figures, Pompey and Crassus (History.com, 2009)†. This partnership was a career springboard which made him a more influential person in Rome. When Caesar went to war with Pompey, he eventually managed to drive him out; upon his success, â€Å"Caesar was made dictator for life and hailed as the Father of his Country† (Wasson). Having a dictator can mean that the government is no longer a democracy but a dictatorship. Creating an unfair government for Rome that contains a majority of Caesar’s opinions and supporters, and notShow MoreRelatedThe Downfall Of Julius Caesar1795 Words   |  8 Pagespeople. Julius Caesar quickly became a powerful influence through the help of the Pompey the Great and Marcus Licinius Crassus when they formed the political alliance the First Triumvirate. Yet, he quickly fell from power just a few years after his daughter’s death. Julius Caesar’s downfall has always been attributed to his pride and the betrayal of these al lies. However, Julia Caesar, his only daughter, played a significant role in establishing the First Triumvirate, which led to Julius Caesar’sRead MoreThe Downfall Of Julius Caesar1087 Words   |  5 Pages Augustus paper In his seventy sixth year Julius Caesar was assassinated by several senators on August 19, 14 CE. (Mellor 1). After Julius Caesar’s death, Antony (one of Caesar’s closest advisors) was expected to rule after him, but little did anyone know that Caesar was very fond of his nephew who voyaged with him on several missions and secretly adopted this fellow who went by the name of Gaius Octavius. (Mellor 6) Octavius would soon go by the name Augustus and become one of the greatest leadersRead MoreThe Downfall Of Julius Caesar1678 Words   |  7 PagesShakespeare’s Julius Caesar provides a largely accurate and incredibly detailed record of the assassination of its namesake, the play is regarded not as one of the Bard’s histories, but as one of his greatest tragedies. Shakespeare’s poignant lyrical interpretation of the fall of Julius Caesar is defined without a doubt as a tragedy by the sorrowful nature of the development, execution, and aftermath of Mar cus Brutus’ betrayal of Julius Caesar. At the start of the timelessly classic play, Julius Caesar wasRead MoreThe Downfall Of Julius Caesar1356 Words   |  6 Pagesthe first to pop into the mind; Caesar.   Undoubtedly one of the most consequential men to have ever lived, Julius Caesar left a lasting legacy of military and political domination.   Caesar’s assassination sent shockwaves throughout Rome and its territories, leaving many to question what man could and would take the late leader’s place.   Many men vied for the most powerful position in the ancient world, but only one man could win this struggle. Gaius Octavius, Caesar s great nephew and adoptive sonRead MoreThe Downfall Of Julius Caesar Essay1950 Words   |  8 Pages The years after the murder of Gaius Julius Caesar were among the most turbulent and uncertain times Rome had ever faced. With both Octavian and Marc Antony vying for the throne, a bloody civil war was unfolding. However, from those trying times emerged a reborn Rome, with Augustus Caesar, the First Emperor of Rome, at the helm. While the Republic was no more, Augustus as the sole ruler of the Roman empire ushered in a new age, one of morality, renewed religious practices, architecture, and mostRead MoreThe Downfall Of Julius Caesar2075 Words   |  9 PagesJulius Caesar was and still is considered to be one of the greatest military generals in history. His combination of leadership skills, military genius, and speaking ability propelled him to the forefront of Roman society. Born on June 12/13 100 B.C., Caesar was born into an ancient aristocratic family. Around the age of 16 after his father had died, Caesar had joined the military. It was apparent from this time onward that Caes ar was especially gifted in the arts of strategy and warfare. By theRead MoreThe Downfall Of Julius Caesar989 Words   |  4 PagesRome Republic was set up in about 509BC. According to the structure of the Rome Republic. The power was divided to various departments. However, from Julius Caesar, the power began to be held by one person. After Caesar’s death, one of the consul Antony tried to despoil the power for himself. Another consul Cicero had the first philippic on September 2, 44 BC. Antony delivered a savage and violent to reply Cicero. However, Cicero then composed the second philippic, he also published books to againstRead More Julius Caesar - Tragic Hero Essay1028 Words   |  5 Pages Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero amp;#9;Julius Caesar is a play written by William Shakespeare during the year 1597. Julius Caesar’s story involves a conspiracy against Julius Caesar, a powerful senator. The play involves a highly respected senator, Brutus, who decides to join the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar, in the effort to keep democracy intact. Brutus believes that if Julius Caesar is allowed to live, Caesar will take a kingship and turn the government into a monarchy. Brutus, CassiusRead MoreConventions of a Shakespeare Tragedy1189 Words   |  5 PagesShakespeare that has a certain effect. The tragic hero always has a tragic flaw. A tragic hero cannot be a hero unless he has a tragic flaw. The tragic flaw brings the downfall of the hero. Othello is the tragic hero, because Othello is a character of nobility. He is good at the beginning but at the end he starts to become evil. ‘‘Othello’s downfall is jealousy (Othello’s Tragic Flaw) Iago tells Othello not to be jealous when Othello thinks his wife is cheating on him. Iago says to Othello, â€Å"O, beware, myRead MoreMarcus Brutus: Shakespeares Tragic Hero in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar1238 Words   |  5 PagesTragedy of Julius Caesar. Shakespeare defines tragic hero as a flawed character who has good fortune, and then loses all he has prized, leading to his misfortune, but a tragic hero must have that moment of enlightenment, that moment where a character can see that he caused his own downfall and receives the blame for his own tragedy. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is based on an historical event- the assassination of Julius Caesar; however, the story revolves around the conspirators, not Caesar. The

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