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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Examining Statistical Procedures And The Justification Of...

Rosnow and Rosenthal (1989) examine statistical procedures and the justification of knowledge in regards to psychological science. Psychology researchers, similar to researchers in other fields, think in inventive ways, resembling hunches and intuitions. Because of this, often progress is the result of guesses and hunches. For a long time, and at times a detriment to us as psychological scientists, we have looked at evidence as a dichotomous significance decision. In other words, significance is viewed as anti-null or pro-null depending on the value of p. A p value less than .05 can mean success, yet a p value greater than .05 can mean failure, especially when we consider publications typically disregard non-significant results for publication. While there are very valid reasons for using that key number of .05 to determine significance, we could use .06 just as well. This is evident in other scientific fields. When looking at significant and non-significant differences, values can vary between extremes due to no sharp line between the differences. The importance of a power analysis was noted, showing that working with low power and utilizing a particular sample size can impact the p value. In an example, one scientist has a larger sample size, and with this large sample size proves method A of leadership style is better than method B. The scientist that invented method B tries to replicate the original results but uses a much smaller sample size, which then will resultShow MoreRelatedYouth Outcomes : An Analysis Of Intervention And Control Group Children1105 Words   |  5 Pagesposttest data, Mendelson et al. (2010) determined that there was significance between the results those participants who participated in the intervention compared to those who were in the control group on the Involuntary Engagement Coping scale. 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Slavin goes on to explain that best-evidence synthesis includes the application of rational, systematic methods of selecting studies to be included and use of effect size (rather than statistical significance alone), as a common metric for treatment effects (p. 6). 2. In effect, Slavin merged the traditional research review with the meta-analytic approach. First, Slavin advanced the ―Principle of Best Evidenceâ€â€" which requires that the best

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Freud s Worst Nightmare Perfect Sex Dream - 1021 Words

Brendan Gosse Cynthia Miller Making Monsters October 9, 2014 Freud’s Worst Nightmare Perfect Sex Dream In her article, author Barbra Creed discusses a wide range of theories and assumptions on Freud and his relation to modern cinema, memories, and the development of the original horror film. She begins by describing Freud and his obsession with horror. She briefly mentions some of his case histories that entail themes of sexual abuse, hysteria, bestiality, phobias, and perversity, but primarily continues to inform us of his hatred of cinema. Considering Freud was born in 1856, he was just reaching his mid 50’s when early cinema really took off. Films and movies became the forefront of entertainment, the must see attraction by audiences across the country, and the newest â€Å"daring† art form. This was, however, an art form that Sir Sigmund Freud wanted nothing to do with. Despite having several films be inspired by his theories and writings, Freud refused to become involved with films and filmmaking, and even avoided being captured on camera in his daughter’s hom e videos. The reason for this hatred however, is neglected and left questionable by Creed. The author points out that early cinema was known for stretching the boundaries on narrative filmmaking by incorporating elements of sex, desire, and eroticism, which were, of course, main focuses of Freud’s countless writings. She continues her analysis by efficiently describing the modern self and the divided self: twoShow MoreRelatedFor Against by L.G. Alexander31987 Words   |  128 Pages(Cineloops) DETECTIVES FROM SCOTLAND YARD (Longman Structural Readers, Stage 1) CAR THIEVES [Longman Structural Readers, Stage 1) WORTH A FORTUNE [Longman Structural Readers, Stage 2) APRIL FOOLS DAY [Longman Structural Readers, Stage 2) PROFESSOR BOFFIN S UMBRELLA (Longman Structural Readers, Stage 2) OPERATION MASfERMIND (Longman Structural Readers, Stage 3) QUESTION AND ANSWER: Graded Aural/Oral Exercises READING AND WRITING ENGLISH-A First Year Programme for Children LOOK, LISTEN AND LEARNl Sets 1-4Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesbuilt-in pretes ts and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit www.mymanagementlab.com to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. Cameron UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Analytical Report on Listening - Questioning and Feedback Skills - Solu

Question: Discuss about theAnalytical Report on Listening, Questioning and Feedback Skills. Answer: Introduction Purpose The purpose of the report is to analyse the interpersonal communication skills in details and make the recommendations for incorporating listening, questioning and feedback skills in nursing. Limitation The report has only focused on three interpersonal communication skills which include listening, feedback and questioning. The other interpersonal communication skills omitted by the report include self talk, interviewing and mastering non- verbal communication. Scope The report discusses on listening, questioning and feedback as the interpersonal communication skills in details and provides the benefits and challenges of incorporating them in the nursing. The report finalize by providing a conclusion and recommendation for using the interpersonal communication skills in nursing. Methodology The report is written from information sourced from journal articles and textbooks. Discussion Listening Skills Listening is a very important skill in facilitating interpersonal communication (Subramanian 2013). The listening skills differ from one individual to the other and can determine the success of relationship between individuals. According to Tingle (2016), the best way to improve on listening skills is by practising active listening. Active listening involves listening at the information from the communicator and at the same time attempting to understand the message. A person can implement active listening by paying attention to the communicator, showing that he/she is listening to the speaker, providing feedback, defer judgement and responding appropriately. Paying attention is enhanced by refraining from distractive thoughts, looking to the speaker directly, avoiding environmental distracters and being keen on the speaker body language (Tingle 2016). The person can show that he is listening to the speaker by nodding occasionally, comments like yes or no and use of facial expressions like smiling. Providing appropriate feedback to the speaker is important in portraying that an individual is listening actively (Silverman, Kurtz Draper 2016). An individual should also defer judgement until the speaker is through with communication in order to avoid interrupting the speaker. The listener should also respond appropriately by providing opinions respectfully and being honest while responding to the speaker. Feedback Feedback occurs when the receiver of the message respond to the sender of the message (McCabe Timmins 2013). An effective feedback should be accepted, understood and heard clearly. There are several ways to enhance effective feedback and include. Clarity and User Friendly The person providing the feedback should make it clear. According to McCabe Timmins (2013), the clarity of the feedback makes the speaker feels that the audience is listening keenly. The language used by the responder should be simple for an individual to understand. The use of highly technical feedback is not appropriate when responding to the people who cannot understand the technical jargon. Timely The feedback should be provided to the sender at the right time. There are feedbacks that are required instantly in order for a person to make an important decision on a particular matter. Arnold Boggs (2015) assert that It is important to provide feedback at the right time for it to be of benefit to the sender. Untimely feedback act as barrier to interpersonal communication and hence hinders interpersonal relationships. Emphasis on Positive The response to the message from the sender can either be positive or negative. Reeves (2015) argues that an individual providing feedback should ensure that he/she emphasis on the positive comments more than the negative comments as People usually screen out the positive comments if the negative responses are emphasised. Questioning Questioning is an important skill in enhancing interpersonal communication (Gbobbo 2007). The verbal and the nonverbal questioning should be used to enhance effective interpersonal communication. Questions can take different format as described below Open- Ended Questions Open questions are the mostly used questions in interpersonal communication. According to Gbobbo (2007), the open questions do not require a specific answer but expect the responder to describe and explain the answer in details. The open question will therefore help in developing a communication, getting more details on a particular issue and acquiring the other persons opinion on a certain issue. Closed- Ended Questions The closed-ended questions are answered by use of a short phrase or a single word. Most of the questionnaire where discussion is not required uses the closed ended questions. The closed ended questions are usually answered by a yes or a no response without further explanation (Breckman 2008). The closed ended questions are mostly appropriate in questionnaires that require a specific answer but no during conversation between one person and the other. Benefits of Listening, Feedback and Questioning Skills in Nursing Effective interpersonal communication is important in facilitating treatment and positive outcomes form the patients condition. The nurses should therefore embrace listening, feedback and questioning skills while dealing with their client in order to promote interpersonal communication. The three skills have several beneficial as discussed below. Gathering of Quality Information The listening, feedback and questioning are important skills in nursing while gathering information from the patients (Mhlanga 2013).. The patients should be asked questions in order to gather information on their disease. Active listening is also essential for the nurses during the collection of their information from the patient. The patient also requires feedback from the nurses in order to understand his/her medical condition and understand how the treatment procedure will be undertaken. Mhlanga (2013) assert that the information gathered by the nurses by use of interpersonal communication is essential in deciding the right treatment for the patient. Problem Solving The nurses usually consult their fellow colleagues in order to solve the patient diseased condition. The nurse should embrace the interpersonal communication skills in order to acquire the information from the patient and treat the patient effectively. The nurse administers the appropriate treatment to the patient depending on the feedback the patients provide. According to kodov (2016), the nurse who lacks the appropriate listening and questioning skills may administer incorrect treatment that will not solve the patient condition. Building Rapport The interpersonal communication skills are important in building a rapport between the nurses and the patient (kodov 2016). The patient feels satisfied with the nurse who can listen, give her feedback and available for questioning. Understanding the Needs of Patient Effective interpersonal communication enhanced by listening, feedback and question skills is important in determining the needs of the patient. The nurse should use the interpersonal communication skills to explain to the patient on the treatment options available for the patient to choose the best option. Duggan (2006) argues that the nurse is able to understand the treatment options that the patient admire and other needs of the patient by use of interpersonal communication skills in an effective manner. Improves the Patient Health Condition The Patient view on the quality of care is determined by the quality of interaction between the patient and the nurse (Breckman 2008). The quality of interaction is enhanced by embracing the three basic interpersonal communication skills that is listening, feedback and questioning. According to Breckman (2008), effective interpersonal communication improves the patient health condition by influencing the patient willingness to participate in care, self management, and promoting adherence to treatment. Challenges to Incorporating Listening, Questioning and Feedback in Nursing Patient Disabilities Patient disability present as one of the greatest challenge in incorporating listening, questioning and feedback in order to enhance interpersonal communication ( Duggan 2006). The patient who have hearing problems, deaf and blind act as a barrier to incorporating the three skills in communication. Patient Unconsciousness The unconscious patients hinder the incorporation of listening, questioning and feedback in nursing (Roloff 2015). The patient must be active to enhance the three skills in communication. Language Barrier The incorporation of the interpersonal communication skills in nursing requires the nurse and the patient to understand each others language. Roloff (2015) claims that the language barrier present as a challenge to listening, questioning and feedback in nursing practices. Emotional Barrier and Stress The emotion barrier is as a challenge for incorporating feedback, listening and question skills in the field of nursing. According to (Duggan 2006), the patient emotional status of stress, disappointment and frustrations due to illness inhibit the use of use of the communication skills in an effective manner. Conclusion The basic interpersonal communication skills are questioning, feedback and listening. The communication skills are important in enhancing interpersonal communication between the patient and the nurse. The listening, questioning and feedback skills should always be incorporated in interpersonal communication between the patient and the nurse because of their benefits . The communication skills are important in nursing as they help in building rapport, understanding patient needs, solving problems, improving the patient condition and gathering essential information from the patient. The nursing practice experience challenges while incorporating interpersonal communication which includes patient unconsciousness, patient disability, emotional barriers and language barrier between the patient and the nurse. Recommendation Interpersonal communication is an essential component in nursing practice. The patient and the nurse should always strive to create an effective interpersonal communication. The nurse should be train on the three basic skills for enhancing interpersonal communication in order to deal with the patients in an effective manner and create therapeutic relationship. The nurse should practice on listening, questioning and feedback skills on daily basis when dealing with their clients. The managers in the health sector should always inspect on their nurses in order to determine whether they are using the interpersonal communication skills effectively. The managers should constantly inform their nurses on how to enhance interpersonal communication and demonstrate the potential References Arnold, EC Boggs, KU, 2015.Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences. Breckman, B, 2008. Communication and Interpersonal Skills. Nursing Standard, vol.23, no. (11), pp.31-31 . Duggan, A, 2006. Understanding Interpersonal Communication Processes Across Health Contexts: Advances in the Last Decade and Challenges for the Next Decade.Journal of Health Communication, vol.11, no. (1), pp.93-108 Gbobbo, J, 2007. Communication skills: A tool for interpersonal relationship in nursing care.Port Harcourt Medical Journal, vol.1, no. (2). Mhlanga, F, 2013. Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Nursing.Nurse Education in Practice, vol.13, no. (1), p.e1. Reeves, H, 2015. Communication Interpersonal Skills in Nursing Bach Shirley and Grant Alec Communication Interpersonal Skills in Nursing 208pp 19.99 Sage/Learning Matters 9781473902572 1473902576.Primary Health Care, vol.25, no.(7), pp.12-12. Roloff, M, 2015. Theorizing Interpersonal Communication: Progress and Problematic Practices.Commun Theor, vol.25, no. (4), pp.420-425. Silverman, J, Kurtz, S, Draper, J, 2016.Skills for communicating with patients. CRC Press. kodov, Z, 2016. Communication and Interpersonal Skills Enhancement in Midwifery: Review.CEJNM, vol.7, no. (3), pp.504-510. Subramanian, K, ed, 2013.Excellence in business communication. Pearson.. McCabe, C Timmins, F, 2013.Communication skills for nursing practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Tingle, J, 2016. Encouraging a listening and learning culture for feedback and complaints.British Journal of Nursing, vol.25, no. (12), pp.698-699.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Writing pedagogy Essay Example

Writing pedagogy Essay Writing pedagogy is as varied as any other kind of instruction although there are stand-bys that seem to guide effective writing instruction. Many of those common elements have been listed in the plan below for teaching expository paragraphing. The writing key writing strategies I world use to teach expository writing are brainstorming (advance organizers), drafting, modeling, and peer review. These are writing techniques that would be beneficial to all writing. First off, a teacher would want to make sure that students understand the content and the structure of expository writing. In order to teach expository paragraphs, I would first have a question on the board when students come in—What does expository mean? They would use the cooperative technique of Think-Pair-Share, and we would develop a working definition. This would take less then five minutes. Then, I would present the various components of exposition, like comparison/contrast, cause/effect, steps in a process, description, etc. to the whole group. I would inform that class that descriptive is what we will focus on and brainstorm with them about about what makes good description to the whole group (Informing learners of objective). To stimulate some good descriptive writing, thought provoking pictures will be placed at various points around the room (gaining attention). Students will be instructed to choose a picture and free write about that picture using what they know about good description. All students who wrote on the same photo will form a group, which would be the beginning of small group instruction. They will read what they have written to each other, commenting on examples of good description in the works of others. I would allow 15 minutes for this. These same groups will brainstorm about possible thesis statements for their paragraphs, using previous knowledge of thesis statements (stimulating recall of prerequisite knowledge). They will rely on this prior knowledge to come up with a thesis statement. I would allow another ten minutes for this. Groups would share their possible thesis statements and we would critique them as a class. They would receive a handout with definitions and examples of basic elements of description, like effective vocabulary and figurative language. We will write a custom essay sample on Writing pedagogy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Writing pedagogy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Writing pedagogy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer At this point, we would look at both a professional model and a student model of a good descriptive paragraph as a whole group and have a class discussion about what makes these good and how we would incorporate these methods into our own writing (presenting stimulus material). A rubric will also be provided and explained. This rubric would highlight voice, sentence structure, and various elements of description like use of figurative language, effective verbs, connotation, etc. Modeling is an essential part of the writing process and one that many teachers miss. Rubrics simply make the end results much more tangible for students rather then just the subjective grade that instructors sometimes give. Students would then draft or revise what they have already written on a computer, including a thesis. They would then email their paragraphs to a partner in the class who would use Word Track Changes to offer helpful suggestions/improvements and email the paragraph back (peer conferences). Each person would fill out an evaluation form including strengths of the paragraph, suggestions for improvement, areas where more development is needed, and questions for the writer (providing feedback). These will be submitted to the teacher (providing feedback). They would then go so far as to fill out the rubric for their partner’s paper as if they were grading it themselves. When they turn in a final draft, they will write reflectively about their paragraph relating to each point on the rubric and give themselves a grade based on the rubric (providing feedback). The teacher will then grade these according to the rubric. This lesson or series of activities would provide students with all the essentials of expository writing while hitting on a variety of learning styles and instructional techniques. Expository writing is an important skill for students to have and needs to be taught in a scaffolded approach. Works Cited Romano, Tony and Anderson, Gary, Expository Composition: Discovering Your Voice, EMC Publishing, St. Paul, MN, 2008.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

American First Foreign Policy essays

American First Foreign Policy essays In a time when the country was still as vulnerable as a newborn baby, the United States was already undergoing the stresses of the world. Since the country wasnt a major player in the international scene at first there wasnt as much of a worry as it later came to be. Later on when France declared war on England, Prussia, and other neighboring countries, the United States was under much pressure to stick to the treaties of 1778 which bound it to France. George Washington believed that neutrality was the best option and that there was no better choice of action. Later on the president issued The Proclamation of Neutrality, where it stated, I have therefore thought fit by these presents to declare the disposition of the United States to observe the conduct aforesaid towards those Powers respectfully; and to exhort and warn the citizens of the United States carefully to avoid all acts and proceedings whatsoever, which may in any manner tend to contravene such disposition. Washington in no way wanted to displease either side so that trading and certain treaties would not be broken. The Proclamation of Neutrality simply said that the United States would not intervene in the wars of other countries. This was completely what Washington saw as the best way to handle the situation at hand, which was the war in Europe. This Proclamation became what the US abided by for the next 102 years. In 1793 France sent their P.M Edmond GÃ ªnets. As soon as he reached US soil, he set out to find American sailors and get them to be privateers sailing under the French flag, and to capture British ships. He even set up courts to condemn those who were captured. Later on he set up for western frontiersmen to go on an expedition and sent them off to attack Spanish New Orleans. Washington insisted that he stop what he was illegally doing, Genet didnt listen and continued. Finally Genet wound up expelled from the Uni...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Harvard Acceptance Letter Real and Official

Harvard Acceptance Letter Real and Official SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Each year, Harvard receives nearly 40,000 applicationsfrom high school hopefuls. Only5% of them get a Harvard acceptance letter.For example, in 2015, Harvard College accepted 1,990 applicants from a record 37,307 applications for the Class of 2019. That’s a 5.3% admission rate.Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of applicants get a rejection letter. â€Å"I am very sorry to inform you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ When I was in high school, I was one of the lucky few to apply Early Action and receive an acceptance letter in the mail. This validated years of hard work and made me giddy like I'd never been before for what came after high school.Here’s my complete, official Harvard acceptance letter. Want to learn what it takes to get a Harvard admit letter yourself? Read my How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League guide. I'll take you through the philosophy behind how to become the world-class student that schools like Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford are looking for. You'll learn what it means to develop an application Spike, why being well-rounded is the path to rejection, and how to craft a compelling application yourself. Read this guide now, before it's too late. Here's a scan of the original admissions letter sent to me by the Office of Admissions at Harvard College. (Thanks to my dad for keeping it around). This is for Early Action, though I'd bet the Regular Decision letter looks similar. Even though I was admitted to my other top choice schools (Princeton, MIT, Stanford especially), I ultimately decided to attend Harvard. Unlike Princeton and MIT, it hadleading graduate schools in every discipline (medicine, law, business), which made me believe it had the broadest set of opportunities and the most diverse community. Because of my interest in medicine and science at the time, it also had the broadest, richest research community. At the end of the day, I also felt like I would regret not attending Harvard more than any other school. After this letter, I'll give you tips on what it takes for you to get an acceptance letter like this for yourself. Harvard College Office of Admissions and Financial AidByerly Hall8 Garden StreetCambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Dear Mr. Cheng, I am delighted to inform you that the Committee on Admissions has admitted you to the Class of 2009 under the Early Action program. Please accept my personal congratulations for your outstanding achievements. In recent years, nearly twenty thousand students have applied for the sixteen hundred and fifty places in the freshman class. Faced with many more talented and highly qualified candidates than it has room to admit, the Admissions Committee has taken great care to choose individuals who present extraordinary academic, extracurricular and personal strengths. In making each admission decision, the Committee keeps in mind that the excellence of Harvard College depends most of all on the talent and promise of the people assembled here, particularly our students. In voting to offer you admission, the Committee has demonstrated its firm belief that you can make important contributions during your college years and beyond. By early March, you will receive an invitation to visit Harvard from Friday, April 29, to Sunday, May 1. Our faculty and students have arranged a special welcome for you and we think the experience will be interesting and useful in making your final college choice. Of course, we would also be happy to have you visit at some other time and we hope you will make a special effort to do so if you will be unable to join us in April. Especially if you cannot come to Cambridge during the next several months, please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of help in any way. You will find our application booklet and our website (admissions.college.harvard.edu/) good sources of information about college life and we will be sending you a course catalog in the spring to help familiarize you with our academic opportunities. We are enclosing a statement about choosing a college that might be helpful. You have until May 1 to respond to our offer. However, we are enclosing with this letter a reply card for your use in case you are able to inform us of your decision before the May 1 reply date. A complete admission packet will be mailed to you in early April. We very much hope that you will decide to attend Harvard, and we look forward to having you join us in September. Yours sincerely, William R. Fitzsimmons Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid (Hope you will join us!) Want to get into Harvard or your personal top choice college? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. OK....Now What? You probably have a reason forlooking at this acceptance letter. Let me try to help you out. If you just received a rejection letter from Harvard, I'm sorry. When admissions officers say it's a really hard decision when it comes down to the wire, they're speaking the truth. The good news is that your future is almost entirely up to you. There are Harvard graduates who end upfloundering in life, and there are graduates from hundreds of other colleges (and people who don't even go to college) who end up accomplishing amazing things. You're in control of your own fate. So if you're disappointed about a Harvard rejection, I hope you pick yourself up and excel from this point forward. Here's a guide on good study habits to excel in academics. If you're in high school (or even earlier) and want to apply to Harvard, I hope this acceptance letter inspires you to want one of your own. Make no mistake, it took a lot of hard work to get to the point where I had a great chance at getting admitted to Harvard and passing their admission requirements. I had to strategize carefully and be ruthless about where I spent my time so I could balance a high GPA, challenging coursework, test scores, and demanding extracurricular activities. To help you out,I've written everything I know about succeeding in high school and college admissions. If you want your own Harvard acceptance letter, these are must-read guides: 1) How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League This is my foundational guide to help you understand what top colleges like the Ivy Leagues are looking for. Here you'll learn: what kinds of students are most attractive to Harvard and why why being well-rounded is the kiss of death in top college admissions what a Spike is and why an effective Spike will get you into every college you apply to how you can develop a Spike of your own I'm not saying it's easy, because it's not. But far too many students have the wrong idea about what kinds of students colleges are looking for. In the process, they waste far too much time on things that aren't important and do nothing to increase their chances of admission. Even worse, they end up miserable and constantly stressed. That's why I wrote this guide. Read it and you might totally change your application strategy before it's too late. 2) My Complete Successful Application to Harvard, Including Common App and Supplement To complement my "How to Get Into Harvard" guide, I share my entire college application, page by page, word for word. You'll see the exact application that the admissions committee at Harvard saw, including the Common Application, my transcript, personal essays, letters of recommendation, and Harvard supplement. I also provide commentary on every piece of my application. You'll see what was reallyimportant to get me into Harvard, and other things that weren't. You'll even see mistakes I made in my application. I've never seen anyone else provide this level of detail,so this is a special treat. 3) How to Get a 4.0 GPA and Better Grades Your coursework is one of the most important aspects of your college application. Not only do you need great grades, you need great grades in what Harvard says is "themost demanding college-preparatory program available." Thus it's no surprise that a lot of high school students are stressed out by coursework and the demands of college applications. Do you feel like you're taking too many AP courses and struggling to stay afloat? Consistently, I see that the biggest problems are with mindset, habits, and strategy.I've written a comprehensive guide with my complete set of strategies in how to excel in high school coursework. I take you through three levels of detail, from top-down: Mindset and Psychology: Do you have the confidence to know you can improve with hard work? Overall Planning and Habits: Do you get the most out of every hour? Do you understand what teachers care about, and how to give them what they want? Do you know how to combat procrastination? Individual Class Strategies: How should you be treating English and science classes differently? I learned a lot of these lessons the hard way, throughout high school and college. This is the guide I wish I had before starting high school. Take the time to read it and you might save hundreds of hours of time and get even better grades. 4) How to Get a Perfect SAT Score/ How to Get a Perfect ACT Score In addition to coursework, the other major numbers piece to your application isyour SAT/ACT score. Simply put, this number is so important because it compares you on even ground to every other high school student taking the test. Top schools like Harvard expect you to be in the top 1 percentile of the country. If you're not, you'll cast serious doubt on your academic ability. In my perfect SAT and perfect ACT guides, I share the major strategies that you'll need to get above a 2100 on the SAT and 32 on the ACT. Also, check out my series on getting perfect scores in each of the sections on the SAT/ACT: SAT 800 Series: Reading | Math | Writing- Learn important strategies to excel in each section of the SAT. ACT 36 Series: English | Math | Reading | Science - Learn how to get a perfect 36 on each section of the ACT. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

STeps Which Came First Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

STeps Which Came First - Essay Example After the fasting he was arrested to undergo 3 trials. He was crucified and died. People realized that he is the Son of God. He rose from the dead after three days. Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples and had their Last Supper. He spent 40 days and 40 nights praying and fasting at Gethsemane where he was arrested afterwards. He went through 3 trials, first with Caiaphas, who sentenced Jesus to death. The second trial is with Pontius Pilate; he was convinced that Jesus is a good man. He sent him to Herod for he is a Galilean, and he spent the third trial there. He is also convinced that Jesus has done nothing wrong, so he sent him back to Pilate where the crowd demanded for Jesus’ crucifixion and the release of Barabbas. He told the crowd that his hands are clean and sent him to the cross. Jesus carries a cross towards Calvary, and he stumbles 3 times. In his second stumble, Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus to carry the cross then after he passed the cross to Jesus. Upon reaching Calvary, Jesus was nailed to the cross. There were three hours of darkness even though it was noon. Jesus spoke and committed his spirit to the Lord, and then he died. The veil in the holiest place in the temple is ripped in half from top to bottom surprising the priests and the chief priest. After the crucifixion, a soldier used his sword to pierce Jesus’ side to be sure of his

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Compare and contrast the characters of Tybalt and Mercutio Essay

Compare and contrast the characters of Tybalt and Mercutio - Essay Example In addition, they play key roles in precipitating the tragedy that befalls the lovers. However, even though Tybalt and Mercutio provide a foil for characters that are rather similar, their two characters represent almost two entirely different spheres of existence in terms of their essential natures. The most direct contrast of their characters comes in the tense interaction between Mercutio and Tybalt in Act 3 Scene 1 before Romeo arrives. Tybalt arrives and after Mercutio offers a witty quip, the Capulet immediately states his willingness to fight with swords instead of words (III,i,36-50). But Mercutio, the gifted artisan of language, stands his ground in an exchange with Tybalt and will not budge, even though this feud is now taking place in the public space. This difference in the two characters demeanours is the most noticeable throughout the play, given the instrumental role Tybalt’s sword will have on the plot structure—leading to Mercutio’s death and Romeo’s subsequent exile. But by mocking emotions and aspirations of other characters, Mercutio lightens the play with clever humour, contrasted with the almost infuriatingly solemnity of the malevolent Tybalt. And as a man with a more cynical perspective on human affairs, Mercutio allows the aud ience to see deeper through psychology. Tybalt, on the other hand, exemplifies simplicity and dimensionless action. In terms of a contrast, there remains also the issue of both characters’ worldviews and choices in the narrative structure of the tragedy. Mercutio, unlike other characters, refuses to blame an objective fate for the occurrences in the play, exemplified by such concepts as â€Å"star-cross’d lovers† (Prologue, 6). Instead, Mercutio lays the blame for the tragedy (in terms of events already taken place and those that will take place) on specific people rather than the hand of fate. In his view, the fault lays with the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example for Free

International Marketing Essay International marketing variables would vary from region to region or say from country to country, although the concept of marketing globally could be the same for achieving the company’s goals and objectives. There would be a very thin line of varying concerns and reported differences in between the costs of all inputs and resources, prices, advertising cost and mediums used and last but not the least the distribution factor to deliver the products in all corners of its country of operation. But through proper consultancy for businesses and its operation in different countries can enable companies to adapt, properly manage, and intelligent coordination plan in newly tapped marked where all the operations and functions are unfamiliar to the new ones. Companies choose to discover international markets for a variety of reasons. In some case in point, companies start exploring international markets in reaction to spontaneous information and instructions or say demands from end-consumers in those respective markets. While, many businesses also start their operations in other countries in order to ascertain a the market share in those countries thus to overcome the overhead costs at home, diversify their corporate holdings, take advantage of domestic or international political or economic changes, or tap into new or growing markets. (Eight Tech, 2009) Businesses strategically planning to expand their portfolio operations used to adopt certain various ways depending upon certain form of strategies. These strategies include exporting certain goods or raw materials from the host country and making retailing outlets in different countries worldwide. These forms of strategies are numerous starting from formal joint venture agreements to establishing their own branded subsidiaries in the prospective country (ies). These two extreme forms of strategies could also include provision of licensing and patenting agreements with formal rights holding, etc. to companies / businesses already in operation in countries abroad, franchising; contract manufacturing; and establishing subsidiaries in foreign countries are also considered on a large scale. Each method has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. (Eight Tech, 2009) The two countries that I have chosen to consider for operations of my company are Pakistan and India. Bothe the countries are located in the south of Asia and both have needs of similar kinds. Thus it will be easy to compare the two with similar environment and similar consumer needs and patterns. There are numerous factors that affect directly and indirectly on the planning, designing, implementation and execution of marketing campaigns. At first these campaigns before execution need to be properly executed via going through the processes of market research on both primary and secondary basis with defined level of monitory evaluation in order to prepare an international marketing strategy. Analyzing any international market we need to properly judge the variables of the respective market such as political environment; economic environment; social and cultural environment; demographic and physical environment; technological environment and legal environment. Below in the paper we will be discussing these factors in detail and how they affect the international market of India, which is our chosen country for exploring new markets. (Eight Tech, 2009) India: India has transformed itself from a third world country to a major powerhouse which has now become a major attraction for foreign investment. This statement can be backed by the fact that India is the second most popular country for the foreign direct investment after China. It is currently the fourth largest economy of the world. Despite of the terrorism threat India is striving hard and has become one of the most important innovators of the technology that will be required in the next part of the global economy. (Kamdar, 2007) India is a huge market with its population of more than 1. 2 billion as at 2008. The growth rate of the country has been immense as it has seen growth of around 7. 2% while the inflation rate has been pretty high for the year. Having said all this, one thing which is the irony of India is its poverty. In India 26% of the people in the urban areas are living below the poverty line while 28% is living below the poverty line in the rural areas. These statistics together forms up into a huge number which may be a little important fact for a chain of retail outlet coming into India for operating business. Where at one side high population growth of India makes India an attractive economy for any foreign business, at the other hand this has also been termed as the major cause of people living below the poverty line. (Indian Freedom Fighters, n. d. ) India also has issues relating to terrorism within it as various serious incidents have taken place in India that have harmed the economy very badly. A good example could be either a riot in Gujarat or the Mumbai attacks in India. To analyze the environmental conditions of India in a better way, I would do a PEST analysis of India with context to the business operations of Tesco to give a very clear idea that whether India would be a good place or not. PEST analysis refers to the Political, Technological, Environmental and Social factors of the country. This is a way in which the environment could be analyzed in a better way as it incorporates the four major elements in an environment. Political Situation: Similar to many other countries, political factors in India also play a major role in the economy of India. India currently is supporting its local entrepreneurs in order to make sure that they don’t suffer due to huge multinationals. They are providing them with every sort of assistance to make sure that the small businessmen of India survive in front of the multinationals. (Luo, 2004) This can become a difficult situation for the international retailer as he would have to compete with huge powers like Ambani group who have recently opened up a huge superstore called Star Bazaar, the local markets that are supported by the government. Other than that major concern is India is the political instability that is in India due to the terrorism activities in India. A lot of local religion based riots takes place in India and at times even major terrorism activities like bomb blast occurs over there. These might affect Tesco very badly as at times huge superstores are set to fire by the mob as it has already been done in the past. Other than that poor political conditions in India would mean closure of the superstore due to the bad conditions which would affect the revenue badly. Even if the superstore is not closed, low foot fall may also reduce the revenue and increase the average cost which would affect the net profit. Economic Situation: Economic situation in India would be of very much importance to Tesco as it would directly influence its revenues. As even mentioned earlier, India is a very fast growing economy which has now became the second most popular place to invest after China. The GDP in 2009-2010 was around 7. 8%. The two factors that might serve as a drawback for Tesco are the inflation rates which were 16. 2 in January 2010 and the other is high poverty level in the Urban India. The increasing inflation rate might increase the number of people falling within the poverty level in the urban areas where Tesco might want to locate itself. This would then reduce the number of customers for Tesco. India though is the second largest when it comes to population but the huge number of people living below the poverty line makes it difficult for such retailers to take advantage of the high population rate in India. Social / Cultural Environment:Â  The biggest advantage of India is its youth population whose interest for leisure activities as shopping and others is increasing at a rate of 14% per annum. This would help Tesco a lot as there is a huge market in India that is open towards this trend of supermarkets. (Indian Retail Report, 2009) But a portion of the economy still consists of those individuals who prefer going to local bazaars due to low prices and their buying habits like negotiations etc. To get that market shifted towards the supermarket trend would be a difficult task. This would also require a shift in the overall culture of the economy where people have been buying things from local bazaars or the local grocery shops. (Hiscock, 2008) Demographic and Physical Environment: Fundamentals that best fits under this category of factor assessment include income and consumption level with the measured percentage of spending, population size, development, and distribution; atmospheric conditions would affect the viability and sales of business; shipping distances; time zones; and natural resources, etcetera. Technological Compatibility: India is becoming a hub for innovation. It is famous for its fast paced innovation in all categories. Thus, it would add up to Tesco as it would get new and innovative technologies for managing supply chain and other related important processes. Urban India is technological savvy and thus it is not difficult to integrate new technologies as people know how to operate it. Online shopping is not a new phenomenon for Indians as they have been doing it for past several years now. (Iyengar, 2007) New technologies can give them advantage in their logistics and they can even replicate the technologies that they have been using abroad as the people in India are very handy with new and different technology. The expectations of the Indian consumers are rising very fast thus the companies have to keep at pace with it and constantly get in new technologies in order to come up to the expectations of the consumer and in order to delight him the companies might even have to go a mile ahead for that. (The Financial Express, 2009)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Resolver el Caso 3M :: Negocios

Resolver el Caso 3M. Contestar de manera individual las siguientes preguntas: 1) Identifique las DOS estrategias (Grandes estrategias) que tiene la empresa 3M. Explique en quà © consiste cada una de ellas. (Ver P. 202). Las grandes estrategias que tiene la empresa 3M se basan en materia econà ³mica y de innovacià ³n. McNerney se enfrento con una organizacià ³n que tenà ­a mucho tiempo de no lanzar productos innovadores o marcar diferencia en mercados como en la anterioridad. McNerney tenà ­a que encontrar y diseà ±ar estrategias que buscaran la innovacià ³n que alguna vez obtuvo con el famoso â€Å"Post-it† pero tambià ©n dà ¡ndole la importancia al capital econà ³mico que 3M poseà ­a y necesitarà ­a para invertir en innovacià ³n. Una de las primeras estrategias ocurrià ³ en sus primeros aà ±os como CEO de 3M, la cual fue recortar el 6.6% de la fuerza laboral que representaba aproximadamente 5000 empleados. De esta manera, le permitià ³ contar con mà ¡s capital econà ³mico; obviamente evaluando si el capital humano recortado no causarà ­a perdidas en produccià ³n o en otras à ¡reas. McNerney se dio cuenta que por normalidad 3M brindaba la misma cantidad de capital econà ³mico (presupuesto) a sus sectores internos, sin importar como era su desempeà ±o en ventas o utilidades. McNerney decidià ³ que ya no serà ­a de esa manera, y opto por distribuir fondos para mercadotecnia e investigacià ³n y desarrollo para aquellos sectores que tuvieran el mayor potencial de crecimiento. Estas dos acciones anteriores pertenecà ­an a una estrategia grande cuyo objetivo era cuidar del capital econà ³mico y distribuirlo efectivamente donde tuviera un mayor margen de à ©xito. La segunda estrategia està ¡ dirigida al cliente y su satisfaccià ³n. McNerney era una persona que pasaba mucho tiempo con tu equipo de trabajo. El adoraba escucharlos y tener un contacto cercano. En ocasiones el mismo volaba de continente a continente para arreglar asuntos que suelen normalmente no ser de la importancia de un CEO. Esto no quiere decir que las actividades que realizaba eran insignificantes; al contrario lo distinguà ­an por su cercanà ­a con el cliente. Una pieza clave de su estrategia fue implementar el programa â€Å"Six Sigama† el cual à ©l habà ­a aplicado en General Electric. Constantemente mandaba capacitar a sus empleados a lugares donde impartà ­an el â€Å"Six Sigma†, de esta manera el cosechaba para que en un futuro los empleados tuvieran las ideologà ­a triunfadoras del programa; y pudieran aplicar sus frutos en la organizacià ³n. Su cercanà ­a al cliente tambià ©n se reflejaba cuando los representantes de ventas realizaban â€Å" polls† donde obtenà ­an las mejoras que buscaban los creadores de televisiones asà ­ como clientes en sus nuevas modelos de pantalla delgada (Plasma HDTV).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Investigating Effect Essay

Plan Aim: The aim of the experiment is to find out what effect temperature has on the action of a protease enzyme on exposed developed film. Enzymes are biological catalysts. They are made in livings things built up by amino acids to make protein. Enzymes are able to speed up reactions and can repeat reactions. There are various factors that affect the activity of enzymes they are: â€Å"Y Temperature â€Å"Y pH â€Å"Y Specificity â€Å"Y Concentration of enzyme or substrate Enzymes are specific, this means that they only work on one substrate molecule. A substrate molecule is what the enzyme actually works on. The factors I have chosen to investigate are temperature. This therefore means that the temperature will be the independent variable. In the experiment there will be a transparent plastic backing of developed film, which will have a black gelatine coat on it. The gelatine coat is protein, which is the substrate molecule. I will put the film into protease solution, which is the enzyme. By having the gelatine coat I am able to see what happens to the gelatine coat when the temperature increases. I can find out if temperature affects the action of a protease enzyme. Prediction: Enzymes have an optimum temperature, which is generally below 400C. The optimum temperature is when enzymes works best and fastest at. When the temperature rises the rate increases. This is because the substrate and enzyme molecules are moving faster because the temperature has increased. This means that the molecules have more energy. They therefore are likely to collide more often with each other and a reaction will take place. However if the temperature goes over the optimum temperature the reaction slows down and the enzyme denatures. This means that it has changed shape and therefore the substrate can no longer fit into the enzyme. The diagram below shows how the substrate molecules which is protein fits into the enzyme, which is a protease molecule. This type of mechanism is called the lock and key hypothesis. If the active site, which is the enzyme, is heated too much it will change shape and no longer fit the substrate. The substrate therefore no longer is able to react if there is no active enzyme. I predict that when the temperature increases the time taken for the gelatine to be broken down will decrease. This is because temperature is a catalyst, which helps to speed up the enzymes, which are biological catalysts. When the temperature is 300C I predict that it will take longer for the film to become transparent than when the film is in a temperature of 600C. However at a certain temperature in the experiment I predict that there will be an optimum temperature. This is when the enzyme works best at. After this point the enzymes start to slow down and eventually denature which means it is harder for the substrate molecules to fit into the enzyme molecules. As I predict that when the temperature increases the time taken for the gelatine to be broken down decreases until it reaches the optimum temperature I therefore predict that the rate of reaction will increase when the temperature increases until it reaches the point when the enzymes start to denature. When the temperature is increased the enzyme molecules will break down the black gelatine coat quicker and therefore the developed film will become transparent faster. When temperature is increased the substrate molecules of protein will collide more frequently with the enzyme molecules. So if the temperature is increased from 300C to 600C the enzyme molecule will break the black gelatine down faster to leave the transparent plastic backing. The two diagrams show the effect of temperature between substrate molecules and enzyme molecules. They are only rough diagrams of what will happen between the two molecules. â€Å"Y Substrate molecule- â€Å"Y Enzyme molecule- Method: Apparatus: The apparatus that I am going to use for the experiment will be a test tube, developed film with a gelatine coat, splint, syringe, stopwatch, thermometer and electric water baths. This equipment is suitable for this experiment because it is easily available, it is easy to set up and use and it is easy to collect results with. This is how the experiment will be set up I will firstly measure the volume of protease solution by using a syringe, which will be 10cm3 and then put it into a test tube. I will then get two developed films and hook wire onto each so I am able to get them out of the tube easily. The wire will be labelled so it is easy to see which film is which. I will then put the test tube into an electric water bath, which is at a specific temperature for example 300C. I will leave it in the bath for three minutes and then put the two films into the test tube. Every 30 seconds I will check to see if the film has become transparent. When the two films have become transparent I take them out of the test tube. I then check  the pH of the protease solution by getting a glass rod and dipping it into the solution and then put the solution onto pH paper. Preliminary experiment: For my preliminary experiment I set up the apparatus as above. As it was only preliminary I used one film. I chose two temperatures to put two test tubes of protease into, they were 600C and 300C. I put the two test tubes into the two different electric water baths and then after three minutes put film in each. This is how the results turned out: Temperature of water bath/0CTest tube in water bath with no developed film/secsTime taken for film to become transparent/secsRate of reaction/ 1/secs (S-1) 301808000.0013 601803000.0033 This table of results indicates that when the temperature increases the time taken for the film to become transparent is less. It also shows that when the temperature increases that rate of reaction also increases until it reaches the optimum temperature. This is what I expect will happen to the results in my final experiment. Variables: In this experiment the independent variable will be the temperature, the dependent variable will be the time it takes for the films to become transparent and the controls are: â€Å"Y Concentration of protease â€Å"Y Volume of Protease â€Å"Y Film size The experiment should be carried out the same for each test tube and the pH should stay the same for all test tubes. The concentration of the protease solution will be 0.5% and the volume of each protease solution will be 10cm3. Range: The range of temperatures that I am going to use will be 300C, 400C, 500C, 600C, 700C. If I have a temperature any higher than 700C the enzyme would most probably denature. I haven’t got a temperature any lower than 300C because it would take too long for the gelatine to break down in the time given. Reliability: In my final experiment I am going to use a syringe to measure out the volume of protease needed. A syringe is accurate enough for this experiment. I will put two developed films into each test tube to improve reliability of my results. I will also use a stopwatch to time when I put the films into the test tube and when to check the films. The electric water baths are really easy to use and they control the variables very precisely unlike heating the test tube with a bunsen burner, as the temperature can go slightly up and down. Safety: Whilst doing the experiment I will have my hair tied back, I will wear a lab coat and I will also wear safety goggles throughout as I am using protease which if gets into your eyes it can be dangerous.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Impact of dancehall music on society Essay

Dancehall, like most music, is a form of self-expression. It is an art form through which the artiste can relate to events and issues of their lives. Its popularity forces its involvement into most events with its pulsating rhythms and catchy lyrics. The influence of dancehall music on society has contributed heavily to the violent and sexual behaviour and increase in drug use among youth. Dancehall music is a culture which impacts fashion, style and body language. Its elevation of sexual immorality, drug abuse and violence to the young impressionable minds, who adopt these things as part of their daily lifestyle, shows how it has influenced their behavioural pattern. Dancehall music in today’s society exposes the minds of young people to violence. It is believed that the lyrics in the music influence violent behaviour on a subliminal level. This influences the youth to behave violently and deem it as acceptable behaviour. The more the youth listens to the music the more their actions are influenced and persuaded to be involved and even encourage violence. The lyrics in the songs play a vital role in shaping the listeners as well as giving some insight on the kind of person behind the lyrics. Many artistes have found themselves in trouble with the law, ranging from misdemeanours to felonies, and their backgrounds and their lyrics are usually correlated. The glorification of sexual immorality is a popular theme in dancehall music. The promotion of promiscuous behaviour and sexual acts are a common fixture in the genre and the lyrical content tends to influence its youthful listeners. The immoral sexual behaviour of the youth is due to the stimulating effect of sexual music and they tend to gravitate towards it believing that it is acceptable conduct. In turn this raises public health concerns in regards to sexually transmitted diseases, teenage pregnancy and the human immunodeficiency virus and gives an unhealthy view on sex. Research has shown that there is a correlation between dancehall music and the proliferation of sexual activities. The findings revealed that females more than males were more likely to respond psychologically to the  lyrical content of the dancehall genre and that the music is highly influential and can create negative impacts on youths, who imitate these negative acts. The evidence indicates that another neg ative message dancehall music is promoting are drugs and drug abuse especially that of marijuana. Dancehall music is having a negative impact on youth through drugs because various youth who listen to dancehall are smoking drugs or are being influenced to smoke drugs. The influences are derived from the lyrical content of the music or by friends who were influenced before. The promotion of marijuana on the market for students causes them to go out of their way to smoke or sell to others to earn money and sometimes make a living. At present adolescents are forming gangs, abusing drugs, fighting, showing a lack of respect to elders and creating pornographic movies on mobile phones as well as altering uniforms to match fashion trends. These behavioural patterns not only have a massive negative impact on the academic performance of the youth but also on their health and lives. There is no doubt that the influence of music on a whole on people is phenomenal. Therefore there is no reason to doubt the extensive effect of dancehall music on the minds of the youth. There is a strong relationship between dancehall music, sexual immorality, drug abuse and violence. Music plays an important role in the development of youths and the admiration of the sexual and violent behaviour which are portrayed by dancehall artiste damages our society and the youth are at risk of falling into that lifestyle. The impact of dancehall cannot be denied. There is a need for parents to control what their children listen to while broadcasters should also regulate what they air to protect society from absorbing a behaviour that doesn’t support good morals and values.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Consider George Eliots narrative techniques in Chapters 13 and 19 of Silas Marner Essays

Consider George Eliots narrative techniques in Chapters 13 and 19 of Silas Marner Essays Consider George Eliots narrative techniques in Chapters 13 and 19 of Silas Marner Paper Consider George Eliots narrative techniques in Chapters 13 and 19 of Silas Marner Paper Essay Topic: Literature These two chapters are linked by the desires of Silas and Godfrey. Desire for the same person, Eppie, but with entirely different motives. Both see themselves as Eppies father. In these two characters, George Elliot writes of the overlapping emotions of love and desire. The choice between wanting the best for another person and selfish craving. Silas Marner is a weaver who lives in a close-knit community called Raveloe. He is framed so people believe that he had stolen some money. This does not trouble him as he has a strong faith and trusts God will clear his name. This is what makes chapter 19 so significant. In this chapter, Silas faith is restored to what it was before he became embittered. With age he had become a bitter old man who had lost his faith and, as a consequence, was pushed away from his community. His faith in God is eventually restored when he learns how to love and that he, himself, is also loved. This love is from Eppie, a baby girl, which Silas believes God has sent to him. This happens in chapter 13. These two chapters also show a contrast in the attitude of Silas and of another main character in the book, Godfrey Casse. Eppie is actually Godfrey Casses secret daughter. In chapter 13 Godfreys attitude is that Eppie is his dark secret come to haunt him. However in chapter 19 Godfrey knows he is unable to have any other children and desperately wants Eppie under his wing. Eppie, though, shows her love for Silas and remains faithful to him. Chapter 13 By only reading the first paragraph in the chapter you can already see that there is a clear social divide of upper and lower classes. Once the servants duties were over, they were allowed to come and watch the celebration. This shows us that in this era people with money were though to have better lives yet in chapter 19 Eppie turns down the upper class life that she could have. It shows that being a lady does not necessarily make you happy. George Elliot portrays Godfrey as a very anxious character and his Father Bob Casse as the complete opposite. The Squire, his father, is arrogant. This demonstrates out how this one dark secret is ruining his life. The way Godfrey only watches Nancy shows us he is really quite shy. He refers to Godfrey staring at Nancy, who could be his whole new life. The writer then cleverly draws full attention to his past. Using short phrases and delving into the mind of Godfrey we see the shock and shame he carries. Once again we see Godfreys weak persona He was tight lipped and trembling. This strong descriptive language show us his guilt, To shake with emotion is an extreme. Silas short simple verbal communication such as Its a woman, shows us that he is not familiar with talking to people, emphasizing his loneliness. Nancy addresses Godfrey to ask him, what child is it? Godfrey is weak and replies with, I dont know, even though he clearly knows the child is his. This reveals how much he values what he could lose socially and how much more he cares for what he possesses rather than claiming his own child. The author now shows us a side of Silas that we have not seen before. Silas is abrupt, impulsive and yet certain about his decision-making. He says No, no I cant part with it, I cant let it go. He even surprises himself in his great capacity to love. Mrs Kimble says to her neighbour, she is shocked by Silas care for the childhood Eppie. Now Elliot represents Silas as a entirely new character. She also writes a whole paragraph on what is going on inside of Godfreys mind (page 142). This presents to us how frightened he is of losing Nancy. Despite this, he then proceeds to plan his life, trying to tell himself everything is as it should be. He even gives Marner some money for Eppie to try and clear his conscience. However, Godfrey is still fighting with his thoughts, trying to make himself feel what he is doing, is for the best. Before the reader may have had sympathy for Godfrey but now he is being selfish and wanting both the child and Nancy by asking Silas to take it to the parish. For not the only time in the book Eppie looks away from Godfrey and turns to Silas rejecting her real father. Elliot trys to make Eppie sweet and innocent by describing her wide-open blue eyes as she is now at peace and unaware of what a big ordeal she has in her life to come. Elliot gives us a very special inside view into Godfreys mind. Even though he is not necessarily a bad man the reader knows all his bad thoughts. Thoughts that most people would never expose to the world but deep inside he harbours. This shows us Godfreys weaknesses. Chapter 19 Even though there is a sixteen year gap between these two chapters they are still very closely linked. In this chapter there is a high proportion of dialogue as a lot of it is about relationships. It differs from chapter 13 where peoples thought were in their heads. Now they speak their thoughts aloud. Elliot makes the absence of Eppie from Godfreys life as bad as possible. He and Nancy cannot have children and he needs an heir to all his land and home so now he desparately wants Eppie. Class is also a big issue in the chapter. Godfrey is shown as a villain. He talks down to Silas by calling him Marner, also indicating the social hierarchy. This also gains sympathy for Marner as does his selflessness. He assumes that Eppie would love to go and live with Godfrey and says I wont stand in your way Eppie. This kindness makes the reader love Silas and also brings out Godfreys selfishness. Once Silas was a selfish, bitter man and Godfrey felt like he was the lucky one. Now the roles have been reversed. Silas is now able to express his emotions Heart out of my body is a simile describing his feelings for Eppie. It shows the complete change in character. Godfrey believes Eppie is better off as a Lady marrying a gentleman. Eppie shows that she can marry someone of a lower class. She does this and is pleased to prove Godfrey wrong. To show their emotions, she uses physical gestures such as Eppie standing next to Silas.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Chasing The Grant

Chasing The Grant Most major cities offer artist grants for those of us involved in the arts. In my town there’s an annual drive for locals to apply, and back in 2014, I gave it a go. According to the rules, anyone in the arts field, including literary arts, was eligible. â€Å"Hot dog, I’m going for it!† I said. I followed the guidelines, crossed my Ts, and dotted my I’s. I was rejected. I applied again in 2015 and was rejected, 2016 rejected, 2017 rejected. If you’re reading this, you are a writer. Rejections are commonplace. You’re told â€Å"don’t take it personal because this is a subjective business.† Applying for grants might fall into that â€Å"subjective business† category, but Looking back it never dawned on me the lesson I’d learn from all this. The more you work at something the better you become. I received a phone call. I already had the grant organization in my contacts so the name popped up. I thought â€Å"Wow they’ve never called me about a rejection. This is a first.† Reluctantly, I answered. â€Å"Rod?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"I’m calling to personally congratulate you. You won the grant.† â€Å"Don’t play with me,† I said. â€Å"This isn’t funny.† â€Å"No, seriously, you won. And I know how long you’ve pursued this. Congrats.† Honestly I don’t remember how many times I heard the word congratulations in that phone call, but that day was a turning point. As a writer you crave recognition. You yearn to hear that all this work you put in hasn’t gone in vain. We may never amass the riches of JK Rowling, but we do seek readership and acceptance. I felt vindicated. Then I researched, eager to learn how many writers had won this grant. Most grants are required to list all past winners, and I went back to when the records were first kept online in 2012. The only writers awarded grants were journalists, poets, a screenwriter, and a children’s picture book artist. No fiction author had ever won. Wow, right? What had I done differently? I had tired of rejections and attended a couple of webinars on grant writing, learning it’s more than filling in blocks on an application. You pursue a grant with the same serious mentality you infuse into your writing. You make the judges believe in you wherever you can. Where do you find grants? Online sources like FundsforWriters, state arts commissions, and local arts councils, for starters. Join one of many writer’s organization like AWP, SCBWI or Author’s Guild. Writer’s Digest, The Writer, and Poets and Writers magazines also list them. When you see a grant opportunity in FundsforWriters or anywhere online or in print, go for it. Maybe it won’t take you the five years it took me but consider a grant in your destiny. You are worthy, and writers are not quitters.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Broken Windows Style Policing Research Proposal

Broken Windows Style Policing - Research Proposal Example In order to control and bring communal harmony in communities police are using approaches like the "broken windows policing", order maintenance policing. The study aims to highlight the appropriateness of use of approaches like these towards crime reduction. Research Methodology: In order to conduct the study, research methods such as Survey and Experimentation were used. Survey method is used primarily on the primary data to collect vital information directly from the stake holders (in this case the criminals and convicts) by using direct questionnaire. Experimentation approach is used to observe the relation between the variables and how they are getting affected by changes caused in any one of them. The identified problem in the present case is High crime rate. To facilitate researcher, we need to define the problem clearly, In order to define the identified problem precisely, we normally use exploratory studies, the two important techniques in exploratory studies are secondary data analysis and Pilot studies. Exploratory Study: These are "insights gathered through secondary data possibly from experts" (Business Research Methods, P.34, 35, ICFAI Press Publication). In this case the insights are gathered from Retired police officials, Journalists, writers, articles relating to crime etc. These inputs are gathered to add depth to the study. Pilot Studies: "A Pilot study is an informal way of gathering necessary information from reliable sources" (Business Research Methods, P.34, 35, ICFAI Press Publication). General enquiries carried out in the neighborhoods regarding crime rate in the area and social control measures adapted, use of broken windows policing yielded necessary information. Hypothesis: Null Hypothesis: The impact of broken windows style policing is positive and is suitable for a longer run. Alternative Hypothesis: The impact of broken windows style policing is negative and is not suitable for a longer run. Defining the variables: Dependent variables: In this case the dependent variable is the high crime rate and this variable is metric in nature, measurable. Independent variables: All the factors affecting or causing an influence on the crime rate, such as drunkenness, selling drugs, turnstile jumping etc are independent in nature and are quantifiable, hence metric in nature. Multiple regression is used sine both the variables are metric. Unit of Analysis: Here the unit of analysis is the high crime rate. Sampling Technique Inorder to define sample and type of sample to be chosen I have defined the population from which the sample is chosen. Population: The population consists of number of recorded criminals in city as per the city

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Proficiency tests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Proficiency tests - Essay Example The test consists of 4 sections: reading (36-70 questions), listening (34-51 questions), speaking (6 tasks), and writing (2 tasks). TOEIC is a test designed to measure English language skills for business. There are two types of TOEIC tests: Speaking and Wring Test, Listening and Reading Test. Employers from all over the world use TOEIC tests to evaluate the proficiency of a potential employee to communicate in English. Listening and Reading test consists of 2 sections, and students are given 2,5 hours to complete it. Speaking tests consists of 11 questions to be answered in 20 minutes. Writing test has 8 tasks to be completed in an hour. IELTS is the International English Language Testing System. The test is to measure person’s reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The test has an Academic version for those who take it for studying purposes, and a General Training version, which evaluates the person’s ability to live and work in an English-speaking environment. In general the test is designed to be taken for studying, immigration, and employment. At first a test taker has to take reading (1 hour) and writing (1 hour) tests. Then is the turn of the listening (30 min) and speaking (11-14 min)

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Role of Nursing Leadership in Hospital Quality Improvement Term Paper

The Role of Nursing Leadership in Hospital Quality Improvement - Term Paper Example QI is a persistent process that involves mutual efforts and labor at all the levels of an organization to deliver better services to health care clients. It is attained as a result of positive interactions among various departments of a hospital to devise a progressive system that constantly improves the processes and outcomes of health care. The concept of QI comprise of quality assurance and problem resolution (Moran and Johnson, 1992). The multitude of hospital quality improvement activities involves participation in external programs sponsored by accreditation and regulatory bodies, QI organizations etc. Also, several hospitals participate in internal QI activities which are derived from employee and patient feedback (Draper et al., 2008). According to Hassmiller and Needleman (2009), the integration of nursing managers into decision making bodies of hospital provides improved quality of care and hospital efficiency. The initiation and progression of Magnet accreditation programs escalates the participation of nursing leadership in hospitals. The basis of magnet appraisal provided by American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) is based on strong nursing representation in organization’s leadership structure, deployment of nursing manager that have a role in hospital’s executive leadership, a shared governance operational system in nursing and authoritative powers of nursing leadership at all functioning level of hospital. Initially the concept of magnet status was based on attracting retention and job satisfaction among nurses however, later it was revealed that it is associated with improved hospital quality and patient care. Another accreditation... This essay approves that quality is a mutual responsibility and along with nursing mangers every nurse and employee should participate in it. Some of the QI efforts recommended for nursing administration include establishment of standards and making staff liable for individual roles, inspiring nurses to champion efforts, maintenance and presentation of valuable feed back to the nursing staff for future motivation and encouragement, engaging nursing staff at all levels of QI activities from bedside to management and modification in traditional nursing education that does not prepare nursing staff for their advanced role in contemporary health care settings. In this regard, emphasis on QI skill development and effective implementation of these activities in a hospital setting are required. Nursing administration may find it difficult to manage high level of administrative burden linked with these activities. Similarly, the conversion of scientific data into useful form of experiential learning is a tiresome process which involves patient hospital stay and feedback etc; however, the involvement of nursing staff in such experiential learning is foundation for QI strategies and measures. This report makes a conclusion that nursing leadership play a focal role in QI of health care settings. The hospitals have to adapt and pursue schemes/projects that significantly contribute to achievement of quality, patient care and performance goals. In this regard, optimization of nursing administration roles is vital for smooth operation of QI activities. Challenges and barriers should be identified and effectively removed for sustainable QI of a hospital.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Developing Health and Safety for Fire Fighters

Developing Health and Safety for Fire Fighters CHAPTER 6 DISCUSSION This chapter contains the explanation and evaluation of the findings presented in the preceding section. This chapter provide us with evaluation and analysis based on the hypotheses, objectives, or research question. This chapter relates to the published works outlined and assessed in the review of literature chapter. 6.1. Demographic profile During the whole survey and during the analysis of data collection within the Mauritius Fire and Rescue services, it was observed that internal factors were dominant compared to external factors when indentifying the impact on the health and safety of fire fighters. While analysing the demographic profile section within the questionnaire, it was found that most of the respondents were between 20 and 30 years indicating a relatively young working force within this sector. 71 respondents had Higher School Certificate as highest education level and more than one year working experience. 6.2. Awareness of hazards and years of service. The results showed that all the respondents are of the hazards pertaining to their job The results collected shows that there was a weak significant association between the two variables (phi=0.353, p=0.00 6.3. Types of injury sustained during career Q 4: Which type of injury have you sustained during your career? The types of occupational injuries sustained by fire fighters are as such; Minor injuries, for example, minor cuts and bruises Major injuries, for example, major cuts, bruises, sprains, illness or injury resulting in less than 3 days lost workdays Over 3 days injuries, for example, head injuries, internal bleeding, eye injuries, spinal injuries, fractures, dislocation and any illness or injury resulting in 3 days or more lost workdays. Figure 7 above illustrates the types of injuries sustained by fire fighters at the workplace. 117 fire fighters have sustained minor injuries, 70 of them have sustained major injuries and the remaining 58 have sustained over 3 days injuries which is less compared to minor injuries. It was found that the majority of the fire fighters experience minor injuries Furthermore, figure 6 represents the degree to which fire fighters are exposed to fire. 73 fire fighters were exposed to hazards to a large extent and 128 of them were exposed to hazards to a certain extent. To a lesser extent 32 fire fighters were exposed to hazards and the remaining 12 fire fighters were not exposed to hazards at all. Objective 3: To examine the type of injuries sustained by the fire fighters and the degree of exposure to hazards in fire fighting. Fire fighters have great injury rates as a result of their occupations’ consequential demands and exposure to hazards conditions (anon, 2013). The data collected in the survey that appropriate training and attention is provided to the safety and health of the fire fighters. The perception of the fire fighters on types of injuries and degree of exposure to hazards is that they agree that appropriate training is given to them but the management system should be improved, new features should be taken into consideration. However, there is still room for improvement to reduce the other types of injuries that is major injuries and over 3 days injuries. The factor on injury risk potentially provides insight on how to target injury prevention attempts for the fire departments. 6.4. Assessing whether risk assessment carried out. A risk assessment is a process to identify potential hazards in a workplace and to analyze what could be the consequences if a hazard occurs. (HSE, anon). Every employer has the duty to effect a risk assessment within 30 days of the start of any operation (OSHA, 2005). The data collected have shown that the majority of fire fighters agreed that risk assessment is carried out in MFRS. Every employer has a legal obligation to effect a risk assessment within 30 days of the start of any operation (OSHA, 2005). The results showed that 183 respondents agreed that risk assessment was carried out on the fire ground and 62 respondents disagreed. We can therefore deduce that the views of the respondents were satisfactory as the majority of them agree that risk assessment in carried out and this confirms that the management was abiding to the law. Moreover, a one sample t-test was carried out to determine the relationship between awareness of risk assessment and fire fighters opinion whether risk assessment can eliminate or mitigate risks. The one sample test, statistics programs produce an estimate mean (1.27), with population mean ÃŽ ¼. The mean variable of the variable fir this particular sample of awareness of risk assessment is 1.27, which is statistically and significantly different from the test value 0.4. We can therefore conclude that fire fighters opinion on whether risk assessment can eliminate or mitigate risk has a significantly higher mean on awareness of risk assessment than 40%. The perception of the fire fighters in the fire departments is that they agree that risk assessment can help eliminate or mitigate risks. Yet there’s room for improvement in the MFRS. Improvement on risk management plan can be also made by making surveys on the hazards and risk that cause health problems and injuries. 6.5. Assessing management care and fire fighters ability to communicate One of the objectives of this study was to assess whether management care about the safety and health of fire fighters and fire fighters ability to communicate with management. The management has the duty to put the best of effort in providing safety, health and welfare of all the employees. However, it is a legal obligation for the management to provide as far as is reasonably practicable a safe place of work to all the employees (OSHA, 2005). A correlation test was carried out to determine whether there is a relationship between whether management care about the safety and health of fire fighters and fire fighters ability to communicate with the management a correlation test was carried out. For the correlation test the statistic program produced an estimate r (0.134). The Pearson’s r value 0.134 is positive at 1% confidence interval. Thus, the correlation test between management care and fire fighters ability to communicate with management shows that there is a weak relationship between management care about health and safety of fire fighters and fire fighters ability to communicate with management. The views of the respondents on the management was not satisfactory as the management was not abiding to the law and even the fire fighters hesitate or are in capable to communicate with the management. Therefore, we can deduce that there is a poor management system at the MFRS. 6.6. Providing suggestion for improving safety and health of fire fighters To provide suggestions for improving safety and health in the fire department is one of the objectives of this study. The minority of the fire fighters who are aware of the procedures in the fire department found that the management has the priority to give safety training to all of them concerning safety procedures, safety policy, rules and regulations and awareness on their rights to provide suggestions to improve their safety and health. Thus to improve the health and safety of fire fighters in fire departments certain standards of safety which include risk awareness by the fire fighters, fire fighters participation in risk assessment , the fire fighters should be given motivational benefits to increase safety culture and safety behaviours at the workplace and the fire fighters should be well trained and given appropriate personal protective equipment for the task they are assigned. The management should carry out investigation and find ways how to remedy a dangerous situation. Also the management should seek the perception of fire fighters about the risks and hazards. . The management can also implement health programs which will include regular check up of the fire fighters and a continuous report of the health of the fire fighters should be recorded

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Odyssey Essay -- Homer, Odyssey Essays

Q1. What are the characteristics of a hero in Homer's poems? What attributes are valued? The Homeric epics describe a race of heroic men: these men are more powerful than ordinary men, and yet, they are not quite as glorious as gods. The heroes are characterized by their strength, warfare skill, intelligence, moral character, and favor of the gods. The Homeric heroes are strong and skillful warriors. Achilles is noted for being the greatest Greek warrior. He is known as â€Å"the great runner† (109). He is fast, strong, and skilled with his spear. When Achilles confronts Hector, King Priam implores Hector to flee. He tells Hector that he â€Å"can’t face Achilles† for â€Å"he’s too much† (174). As Achilles closes in on Hector, he looks like the â€Å"God of War himself† (177). Brave Hector, the greatest of the Trojan wars, loses his nerve and flees in terror. Achilles is a brave warrior; he is not afraid of anything. He charges against the Trojan army single-handedly. He routs the Trojans, killing every Trojan in his path. When he refuses to fight due to his feud with Agamemnon, the Greeks are unable to stand without him. His very presence brings courage to the Greeks and sends fear to the Trojans. Physical strength is not the only thing that is valued. Odysseus is the hero who demonstrates the wit and intelligence can sometimes overpower brute force. Odysseus is introduced as â€Å"the man of twists and turns† (207). His cunning and crafty skills are mentioned numerous times in the poem. The best display of Odysseus’ cunningness is his plan of escape from the Cyclops’ cave. Odysseus knows that he cannot merely kill the Cyclops in his sleep; none of them are strong enough to roll back the immense stone. So, he devises a clever plan, calling himsel... ...shows himself to be the worst of the suitors, though he may be the handsomest. The other are horrified to see how Antinous treats the beggar. They know that â€Å"the gods do take on the look of strangers† (414). They know that Antinous’ â€Å"fate is sealed† (414). Antinous lacks any sense of morality and hospitality which a civilized Greek should display. The Odyssey illustrates the importance of hospitality. It shows examples of people who manifest hospitality and are blessed by it or who become instruments of blessing others. It also shows by contrast, guests who take scorn their host’s hospitality and hosts who are inhospitable to their guests. Those who manifest xenia, whether host or guest, are the civilized and moral characters. Those who violate the rules of xenia are seen as savage and ill-bred; they eventually incur judgment for failing in their religious duty.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language

The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language Abstraction One of the ways to larn the linguistic communication better is holding a good warm up activity. This paper aims to look into the effects of warm up as a category room activity in larning 2nd linguistic communication. It is traveling to hold a critical survey, and over position of some books and essays about this activity. This paper attends to supply the definition of warm up as an activity before the lesson. Then, it is traveling to detect that how could warm up impact the acquisition procedure? It is likely traveling to happen that holding a good warm up activity helps pupils to put for the new lesson. Cardinal words: Warm up activity, 2nd linguistic communication, larning procedure Introduction Warm up is one of the good methods for ESL pupils to larn the 2nd linguistic communication better. This paper introduces the construct of warm up as an activity which attracts pupil ‘s attending and helps them to concentrate on the subject. Literary reappraisal An interesting manner of get downing a lesson could be utilizing activities called warm-up activities or ice-breakers ( Robertson & A ; Acklam, 2000 ) . Teacher could get down warm up activity by utilizing some games, inquiring inquiries and holding treatments which all should be related to the subject or lesson. A warm up activity could assist a instructor to acknowledge the different types of pupil ‘s learning manner. Harmonizing to Cardenas ( 2001 ) , â€Å" Students learn best when they can turn to cognition in ways that they trust. They will larn best through making instead than reflecting † . Therefore, instructor could utilize different manners like drama, presentation, treatment, and wholly we could state by action. A warm up activity helps pupils to set aside any distractions which are in their head and focal point on subject, and it helps ESL pupils to believe in mark linguistic communication. Harmonizing to Peterson ( 2010 ) , â€Å" Get downing your lesson programs with a five minute warm up can function to concentrate your pupils on the subject, open up originative thought and aid to use the acquisition in new ways † . Purpose of the survey This paper assesses the impact of warm up on ESL pupils and purposes to analyze the effects of this activity on the acquisition procedure. It is traveling to analyze these inquiries: 1 ) what are the effects of warm up activity? , and 2 ) how could warm up impact the acquisition procedure? Which offers two hypotheses: 1 ) this activity may assist ESL pupils to believe in mark linguistic communication ( English ) and concentrate on the language,2 ) this activity may merely assist ESL pupils to set aside any distractions and possibly after awhile they will bury whatever they learned. Therefore, this paper is traveling to research the replies of these two inquiries and so it will detect which hypotheses are right. Method In progress this paper mentions two inquiries which are traveling to explicate in this subdivision. This paper by utilizing critical reappraisal about warm up provides the following replies to these inquiries ; 1 )What are the effects of warm up activity? This paper propounds five of import effects for warm up which are explained below. 1 ) Make a friendly environment. A brief warm up activity can construct a relationship between the pupils and the acquisition stuffs ( Hasan & A ; Akhand, 2013 ) .Warm up plants as an ice ledgeman ; it helps pupils to be comfy with the environment and their schoolmates. 2 ) Attract pupil ‘s attending. Walqui ( 2006 ) provinces, â€Å" by concentrating pupil ‘s attending on the chief thoughts, teacher first prepares the pupils for prosecuting them in synergistic undertakings to pattern † ( p.169 ) . A five or ten minute warm up attracts the pupil ‘s attending toward the lesson and besides being physically in the category it helps them being mentally in the schoolroom, excessively. 3 ) Activate the pupil ‘s background cognition. Rumelhart ( 1980 ) provinces, â€Å" we comprehend something merely when we can associate it to something we already know-only when we can associate the new experience to an bing cognition construction † ( as cited in Carrell, 1983, p.82 ) . Students might bury the things which they have learned from the last category or session. Hence, a warm up activity could trip their background cognition ; things they already know or learned. 4 ) Think in English and concentrate on the subject. Kay ( 1995 ) claims that warm ups are different types of activities which help the pupils begin to believe in English, reappraisal antecedently introduced stuffs and go interested in the lesson ( as cited in Velandia, 2008, p. 11 ) . A warm up activity could assist ESL pupils to get down believing in 2nd linguistic communication and bury any distractions and concentrate on the new subject or lesson. 5 ) Increase pupil ‘s engagement. Warm-up activities like gag, game, and perplex set up a positive acquisition environment and do the pupils comfy to take part in the schoolroom ( Joshi, 2006 ) . When a instructor uses warm up, because of its gratifying and interesting characteristic, pupils attends to take part or take topographic point in that activity. Students like to be involved in such an astonishing warm up activity ; it builds a sense of community inside them. Now this paper answers the 2nd inquiry which is: 2 )How could warm up impact the acquisition procedure? Learning procedure is facilitated through constructing a positive relationship with the pupils. A merriment or interesting category mostly depends on the instructors as their personality and learning method actuate the pupils to raise a positive attitude towards larning ( Krishnan & A ; Hoon, 2002 ) . Because of all those effects that warm up activity has on ESL pupils, it is obvious that warm up undertaking could impact the acquisition procedure, excessively. Following is a diagram which displays the effects of warm up undertaking briefly. Diagram: effects of warm up activity Discussion/conclusion This paper, in the intent of the survey, states two hypotheses: 1 ) this activity may assist ESL pupils to believe in mark linguistic communication ( English ) and concentrate on the language,2 ) this activity may merely assist ESL pupils to set aside any distractions and possibly after awhile they will bury whatever they learned. The first 1 is acceptable because it is right and existent, but the 2nd 1 is reject able because it could assist pupils to set away any distractions but when we use warm up activity, it is a reappraisal of what they learned. Hence, they could non bury whatever they learned. In amount up, this paper gets to the point that warm up activity is the best manner for believing in mark linguistic communication, puting for the new lesson, concentrating on the subject, and pulling the attending. Therefore, it should be short, interesting, related to the subject, and be at the pupils level or somewhat above ( i+1 ) to hold their consequence in larning the 2nd linguistic communication. Mentions Akther, A. ( 2014 ) .Role of Warm-up Activity in Language Classroom: A Tertiary Scenario. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //dspace.bracu.ac.bd/bitstream/handle/10361/3553/10303010.pdf? sequence=1 Hasan, M. K. , & A ; Akhand, M. M. ( 2013 ) .Schemes for Enhancing the Use of Textbooks in Language Classrooms at the Tertiary Level. ABAC Journal, 33 ( 2 ) , 1-14. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.abacjournal.au.edu/2013/may2013/01_StrategiesforEnhancing.pdf Pakdel Estaikhbijari, Z. & A ; Khodareza, M. ( 2012 ) .The Effects of Warm-up Tasks on the Persian EFL Students ‘ Writing Ability. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ies/article/viewFile/11691/10636 Peterson, D. ( 2010 ) .Warm-Up Exercises. 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Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //eltj.oxfordjournals.org/content/56/3/227.full.pdf+html? sid=c6d03ada-4f81-4786- 819c-78335f7f594a Cardenas, M. L. ( 2001 ) .Reacting to Children ‘s Learning Styles. How, 8, 17-22. Robertson, C. , & A ; Acklam, R. ( 2000 ) .Action Plan for Teachers a usher to learning English. London, UK: BBC World Service. Kay, C. ( 1995 ) .Scott Foresman English series. Baltimore, Maryland: Scott Foresman. Carrell, P. L. ( 1983 ) .Some Issues in Analyzing the Role of Schemata, or Background Knowledge, in Second Language Comprehension. Reading in a foreign linguistic communication, 1 ( 2 ) , 81-92. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //nflrc.hawaii.edu/rfl/PastIssues/rfl12carrell.pdf