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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Chasing The Grant

Chasing The Grant Most major cities offer artist grants for those of us involved in the arts. In my town there’s an annual drive for locals to apply, and back in 2014, I gave it a go. According to the rules, anyone in the arts field, including literary arts, was eligible. â€Å"Hot dog, I’m going for it!† I said. I followed the guidelines, crossed my Ts, and dotted my I’s. I was rejected. I applied again in 2015 and was rejected, 2016 rejected, 2017 rejected. If you’re reading this, you are a writer. Rejections are commonplace. You’re told â€Å"don’t take it personal because this is a subjective business.† Applying for grants might fall into that â€Å"subjective business† category, but Looking back it never dawned on me the lesson I’d learn from all this. The more you work at something the better you become. I received a phone call. I already had the grant organization in my contacts so the name popped up. I thought â€Å"Wow they’ve never called me about a rejection. This is a first.† Reluctantly, I answered. â€Å"Rod?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"I’m calling to personally congratulate you. You won the grant.† â€Å"Don’t play with me,† I said. â€Å"This isn’t funny.† â€Å"No, seriously, you won. And I know how long you’ve pursued this. Congrats.† Honestly I don’t remember how many times I heard the word congratulations in that phone call, but that day was a turning point. As a writer you crave recognition. You yearn to hear that all this work you put in hasn’t gone in vain. We may never amass the riches of JK Rowling, but we do seek readership and acceptance. I felt vindicated. Then I researched, eager to learn how many writers had won this grant. Most grants are required to list all past winners, and I went back to when the records were first kept online in 2012. The only writers awarded grants were journalists, poets, a screenwriter, and a children’s picture book artist. No fiction author had ever won. Wow, right? What had I done differently? I had tired of rejections and attended a couple of webinars on grant writing, learning it’s more than filling in blocks on an application. You pursue a grant with the same serious mentality you infuse into your writing. You make the judges believe in you wherever you can. Where do you find grants? Online sources like FundsforWriters, state arts commissions, and local arts councils, for starters. Join one of many writer’s organization like AWP, SCBWI or Author’s Guild. Writer’s Digest, The Writer, and Poets and Writers magazines also list them. When you see a grant opportunity in FundsforWriters or anywhere online or in print, go for it. Maybe it won’t take you the five years it took me but consider a grant in your destiny. You are worthy, and writers are not quitters.

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