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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Broken Windows Style Policing Research Proposal

Broken Windows Style Policing - Research Proposal Example In order to control and bring communal harmony in communities police are using approaches like the "broken windows policing", order maintenance policing. The study aims to highlight the appropriateness of use of approaches like these towards crime reduction. Research Methodology: In order to conduct the study, research methods such as Survey and Experimentation were used. Survey method is used primarily on the primary data to collect vital information directly from the stake holders (in this case the criminals and convicts) by using direct questionnaire. Experimentation approach is used to observe the relation between the variables and how they are getting affected by changes caused in any one of them. The identified problem in the present case is High crime rate. To facilitate researcher, we need to define the problem clearly, In order to define the identified problem precisely, we normally use exploratory studies, the two important techniques in exploratory studies are secondary data analysis and Pilot studies. Exploratory Study: These are "insights gathered through secondary data possibly from experts" (Business Research Methods, P.34, 35, ICFAI Press Publication). In this case the insights are gathered from Retired police officials, Journalists, writers, articles relating to crime etc. These inputs are gathered to add depth to the study. Pilot Studies: "A Pilot study is an informal way of gathering necessary information from reliable sources" (Business Research Methods, P.34, 35, ICFAI Press Publication). General enquiries carried out in the neighborhoods regarding crime rate in the area and social control measures adapted, use of broken windows policing yielded necessary information. Hypothesis: Null Hypothesis: The impact of broken windows style policing is positive and is suitable for a longer run. Alternative Hypothesis: The impact of broken windows style policing is negative and is not suitable for a longer run. Defining the variables: Dependent variables: In this case the dependent variable is the high crime rate and this variable is metric in nature, measurable. Independent variables: All the factors affecting or causing an influence on the crime rate, such as drunkenness, selling drugs, turnstile jumping etc are independent in nature and are quantifiable, hence metric in nature. Multiple regression is used sine both the variables are metric. Unit of Analysis: Here the unit of analysis is the high crime rate. Sampling Technique Inorder to define sample and type of sample to be chosen I have defined the population from which the sample is chosen. Population: The population consists of number of recorded criminals in city as per the city

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